Valódi gyűjtemény: Ha a felhasználó valódi Hearthstone gyűjteményét szeretnéd látni, akkor kattints ide, vagy a profilmenüben a "Gyűjtemény" linkre!
Ez a felhasználó csak a Standard lapjait jeleníti meg!
Itt azok a lapok láthatóak, amelyeket az Imasarokban a "napi szerencse csomaggal" lehet kibontani itt az oldalon!
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/28)
Festival of Legends (0/28)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/20)
Festival of Legends (0/20)
Raging Felscreamer (Core)
Illidari Inquisitor (Core)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/23)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/28)
Festival of Legends (0/28)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/23)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)
Festival of Legends (0/24)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/23)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)
Festival of Legends (0/24)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/23)
Festival of Legends (0/24)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)
Festival of Legends (0/24)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)
Festival of Legends (0/23)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/23)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)
Festival of Legends (0/24)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/20)
Festival of Legends (0/19)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/23)
Festival of Legends (0/24)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/65)
Perils in Paradise (0/73)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/73)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/73)
Festival of Legends (0/73)
The Great Dark Beyond: 0/263 darab
Perils in Paradise: 0/335 darab
Whizbang's Workshop: 0/335 darab
Showdown in the Badlands: 0/335 darab
TITANS: 0/335 darab
Festival of Legends: 0/335 darab
Core: 7/541 darab
10. évforduló: 0/27 darab
Összes kraftolási költség a Hearthstone-ban
653 240
Dust mennyiség az összes lap betörése estén
154 060
A meglévő lapok betörésével ennyi Dust járna
Hiányzik az összes lap kraftolásához
652 300