Hearthstone WikiBattlegrounds hősök és lények
Battlegrounds információkBattlegrounds hősök és lények
Ezen az oldalon láthatjátok a Battlegrounds-ban éppen elérhető hősöket a Hero Powerükkel, továbbá itt megtekinthetitek a Battlegrounds összes lényét is a Kocsma Tier szintje szerint.
Ez az oldal minden frissítés után automatikusan frissül az éppen elérhető hősökkel és lényekkel!
Mobileszközökön a különböző menüpontokat a menüpont neve melletti nyilacskával lehet kinyitni/becsukni.
- Hősök - Hero Powerekkel
- Lények 1-es szint
- Lények 2-es szint
- Lények 3-as szint
- Lények 4-es szint
- Lények 5-ös szint
- Lények 6-os szint
- Lények 7-es szint
Jelenleg elérhető hősök (108 db)
Lord Barov [Csak Solo]Barov's Apprentice Friendly Wager Tavern Coin Realm of Terror Diablo, Lord of Terror
Marin the Manager Smart Savings Queen of Dragons Dream Portal Bloodbound Azshara's Ambition Relics of the Deep Avalanche MechGyver Bloodfury Gone Fishing Pirate Parrrrty! Tinker I'm the Cap'n Now Naga Conquest Sprout It Out! Soul Rewinder Archimonde Soul Rewinder Archimonde Deep Blue Crooner Deep Blue Crooner Blood Gem Fish of N'Zoth Polarizing Beatboxer Polarizing Beatboxer Kaboom Bot Deep Blues Zesty Shaker Spitescale Special Lightfang Enforcer Lightfang Enforcer Eternal Knight Eternal Knight Silver Fledgling Lucky Egg Silver Goose Slimy Felblood Darkcrest Strategist Zesty Shaker Slimy Felblood Darkcrest Strategist
OzumatOzumat's Tentacle Tamuzo Tentacular Ozumat's Tentacle Ozumat's Tentacle Ozumat's Tentacle Ozumat's Tentacle Ozumat's Tentacle
Sir Finley Mrrgglton [Csak Solo]Maxwell, Mighty Steed Adventure! Friend of a Friend Menagerist Avatar of N'Zoth Friend of a Friend Amalgam Fish of N'Zoth
Tier 1 (31 db)
Tripla: Bubble Gunner
Tripla: Buzzing Vermin
Tripla: Deep-Sea Angler
Tripla: Dozy Whelp
Tripla: Dune Dweller
Tripla: Harmless Bonehead
Tripla: Lullabot
Tripla: Manasaber
Tripla: Mini-Myrmidon
Tripla: Misfit Dragonling
Tripla: Molten Rock
Tripla: Ominous Seer
Tripla: Picky Eater
Tripla: Razorfen Geomancer
Tripla: Risen Rider
Tripla: Saltscale Honcho
Tripla: Scallywag
Tripla: Southsea Busker
Tripla: Sun-Bacon Relaxer
Tripla: Swampstriker
Tripla: Wrath Weaver
Tier 2 (47 db)
Tripla: Ancestral Automaton
Tripla: Blazing Skyfin
Tripla: Briarback Bookie
Tripla: Corpse Recycler
Tripla: Crater Miner
Tripla: Defiant Shipwright
Tripla: Electric Synthesizer
Tripla: Fire Baller
Tripla: Frantic Alarm-o-Bot
Tripla: Free Travel Winner
Tripla: Freedealing Gambler
Tripla: Humming Bird
Tripla: Impulsive Trickster
Tripla: Lava Lurker
Tripla: Mechagnome Interpreter
Tripla: Mind Muck
Tripla: Nerubian Deathswarmer
Tripla: Oozeling Gladiator
Tripla: Parched Wanderer
Tripla: Party Elemental
Tripla: Patient Scout
Tripla: Prophet of the Boar
Tripla: Ripsnarl Captain
Tripla: Scarlet Skull
Tripla: Selfless Hero
Tripla: Sellemental
Tripla: Shell Collector
Tripla: Snow Baller
Tripla: Soul Rewinder
Tripla: Tad
Tripla: Thaumaturgist
Tripla: Whelp Smuggler
Tripla: Zesty Shaker
Tier 3 (60 db)
Tripla: Accord-o-Tron
Tripla: Adaptive Ancestor
Tripla: Annoy-o-Module
Tripla: Arcanotron, Activated
Tripla: Bannerboar
Tripla: Big Brother
Tripla: Bird Buddy
Tripla: Bountiful Bedrock
Tripla: Cadaver Caretaker
Tripla: Crystal Infuser
Tripla: Deadly Spore
Tripla: Deflect-o-Bot
Tripla: Disguised Graverobber
Tripla: False Implicator
Tripla: Fearless Foodie
Tripla: Felemental
Tripla: Forest Rover
Tripla: Fountain Chiller
Tripla: Grace Farsail
Tripla: Gritty Headhunter
Tripla: Handless Forsaken
Tripla: Implant Subject
Tripla: Keyboard Igniter
Tripla: Lovesick Balladist
Tripla: Meteorite Crasher
Tripla: Monstrous Macaw
Tripla: Mummifier
Tripla: Peggy Sturdybone
Tripla: Reckless Cliffdiver
Tripla: Refreshing Anomaly
Tripla: Resourceful Soldier
Tripla: Reverber Drake
Tripla: Sly Raptor
Tripla: Smoldering Gardener
Tripla: Sore Loser
Tripla: Tarecgosa
Tripla: The Glad-iator
Tripla: Volcanic Visitor
Tripla: Warden of Old
Tripla: Wildfire Elemental
Tier 4 (73 db)
Tripla: 'Loc Prince
Tripla: Anub'arak, Nerubian King
Tripla: Arcane Cannoneer
Tripla: Archimonde
Tripla: Assistant Guard
Tripla: Bazaar Dealer
Tripla: Blade Collector
Tripla: Boar Gamer
Tripla: Clunker Junker
Tripla: Critter Wrangler
Tripla: Doubloon Grifter
Tripla: Efficient Engineer
Tripla: Fairy Gillmother
Tripla: Gem Rat
Tripla: Gem Smuggler
Tripla: Grease Bot
Tripla: Gunpowder Courier
Tripla: Hackerfin
Tripla: Hunter of Gatherers
Tripla: Ichoron the Protector
Tripla: Imposing Percussionist
Tripla: Inspiring Underdog
Tripla: Lil' Rag
Tripla: Malchezaar, Prince of Dance
Tripla: Marquee Ticker
Tripla: Menagerie Jug
Tripla: Nomi, Kitchen Nightmare
Tripla: Outback Smolderer
Tripla: Persistent Poet
Tripla: Prosthetic Hand
Tripla: Razorgore, the Untamed
Tripla: Rylak Metalhead
Tripla: Sin'dorei Straight Shot
Tripla: Sky Pirate Flagbearer
Tripla: Slippery Slider
Tripla: Sprightly Scarab
Tripla: Thorned Trailblazer
Tripla: Thundering Abomination
Tripla: Treasure-Seeker Elise
Tripla: Tunnel Blaster
Tripla: Turquoise Skitterer
Tripla: Wandering Wight
Tripla: Windfall Tornado
Tier 5 (69 db)
Tripla: Batty Terrorguard
Tripla: Bongo Bopper
Tripla: Brann Bronzebeard
Tripla: Catacomb Crasher
Tripla: Champion of the Primus
Tripla: Charging Czarina
Tripla: Corrupted Myrmidon
Tripla: Cruise Controller
Tripla: Daggerspine Thrasher
Tripla: Dancing Barnstormer
Tripla: Darkcrest Strategist
Tripla: Drakkari Enchanter
Tripla: Dual-Wield Corsair
Tripla: Ensorcelled Fungus
Tripla: Furious Driver
Tripla: General Drakkisath
Tripla: Gentle Djinni
Tripla: Glowscale
Tripla: Holo Rover
Tripla: Interrogator Whitemane
Tripla: Kangor's Apprentice
Tripla: Karmic Chameleon
Tripla: King Bagurgle
Tripla: Leeroy the Reckless
Tripla: Lightfang Enforcer
Tripla: Mechanized Gift Horse
Tripla: Moonsteel Juggernaut
Tripla: Mutated Lasher
Tripla: Nest Swarmer
Tripla: Nether Drake
Tripla: Nightbane, Ignited
Tripla: Niuzao
Tripla: Operatic Belcher
Tripla: Primalfin Lookout
Tripla: Prime Mate
Tripla: Prized Promo-Drake
Tripla: Rapscallion Recruiter
Tripla: Rodeo Performer
Tripla: Runed Progenitor
Tripla: Showy Cyclist
Tripla: Tardy Traveler
Tripla: Three Lil' Quilboar
Tripla: Tichondrius
Tripla: Titus Rivendare
Tripla: Tortollan Blue Shell
Tripla: Twilight Primordium
Tripla: Wisp in the Shell
Tier 6 (41 db)
Tripla: Admiral Eliza Goreblade
Tripla: Arid Atrocity
Tripla: Charlga
Tripla: Coast Guard
Tripla: Colossus of the Sun
Tripla: Deathly Striker
Tripla: Dr. Boom's Monster
Tripla: Elemental of Surprise
Tripla: Famished Felbat
Tripla: Ghoul-acabra
Tripla: Goldrinn, the Great Wolf
Tripla: Groundbreaker
Tripla: Holy Mecherel
Tripla: Indomitable Mount
Tripla: Kalecgos, Arcane Aspect
Tripla: Mecha-Jaraxxus
Tripla: Murky
Tripla: Nadina the Red
Tripla: Neon Agent
Tripla: Nether Construct
Tripla: One-Amalgam Tour Group
Tripla: Pokey Thornmantle
Tripla: Saloon Dancer
Tripla: Salty Hog
Tripla: Silivaz the Vindictive
Tripla: Silver-Handed Recruit
Tripla: Spacefarer
Tripla: Tea Master Theotar
Tripla: Turbo Hogrider
Tripla: Ultraviolet Ascendant
Tripla: Warpwing
Tripla: Young Murk-Eye
Tier 7 (13 db)
Tripla: Captain Sanders
Tripla: Champion of Sargeras
Tripla: Granite Guardian
Tripla: King Varian
Tripla: Moira Bronzebeard
Tripla: Obsidian Ravager
Tripla: Papa Bear
Tripla: Recurring Nightmare
Tripla: Sanguine Champion
Tripla: Sea Witch Zar'jira
Tripla: The Boommobile
Tripla: Tide Oracle Morgl
További híreink
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