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Sign a New Artist Hearthstone kártya - Battlegrounds

Kártya szöveg
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Kapcsolódó kártyák
Varden Dawngrasp, Twice as Nice, Varden's Aquarrior, Broodmother, Many Whelps, Onyxian Whelp, Embrace the Elements, Spirit Raptor, Earth Invocation, Fire Invocation, Water Invocation, Lightning Invocation, Trash for Treasure, Raging Contender, Imprison, Shadow Warden, Bananarama, Crazy Monkey, Verdant Spheres, Crimson Hand Centurion, Swap, Lock, & Shop It, Jandice's Apprentice, Dungar's Gryphon, Flight Trainer, Westfall, Ironforge, Eastern Plaguelands, Devour, Nightmare Ectoplasm, Power of the Storm, Lei Flamepaw, Arcane Alteration, Nexus Lord, Come One, Come All!, Burth, For the Horde!, Dranosh Saurfang, A Tale of Kings, Pigeon Lord, Menagerist, Mishmash, Deadeye, Crabby, Aim Left!, Aim Low!, Aim High!, Aim Right!, Wax Warband, Elder Taggawag, Stir the Pot, Sous Chef, Piggy Bank, Sharkbait, Tentacular, Tamuzo, Ozumat's Tentacle, Ozumat's Tentacle, Ozumat's Tentacle, Ozumat's Tentacle, Ozumat's Tentacle, Ozumat's Tentacle, The Perfect Crime, Waxadred, the Drippy, Detective for Hire, Watfin, Build-An-Undead, Festergut, Rapid Reanimation, Shadowy Construct, Lead Explorer, Jr. Navigator, Adventure!, Maxwell, Mighty Steed, Reclaimed Souls, Nathanos Blightcaller, Bananas, King of Beasts, King of Murlocs, King of Mechs, King of Demons, King of Dragons, King of Pirates, King of Elementals, King of Quilboar, King of Naga, Amalgam, Water Droplet, Murloc Scout, Alleycat, Sellemental, Murloc Tidehunter, Imp, Sky Pirate, Half-Shell, Robosaur, Fish of N'Zoth, Argent Braggart, Shudderling, Red Herring, Scallywag, Icky Imp, Imprisoner, Harvest Golem, Sewer Rat, Rat Pack, Replicating Menace, Omega Buster, Mechano-Egg, Ring Matron, Savannah Highmane, Baby Krush, Golden Monkey, Treasure-Seeker Elise, Helping Hand, Handless Forsaken, Rusted Reggie, Mecha-Jaraxxus, Magtheridon Prime, Baltharak, Smolderwing, General Drakkisath, Avatar of N'Zoth, Icky Imp, Sewer Rat, Half-Shell, Microbot, Omega Buster, Baby Krush, Treasure-Seeker Elise, Handless Forsaken, Helping Hand, Mecha-Jaraxxus, Rusted Reggie, Magtheridon Prime, Baltharak, Smolderwing, General Drakkisath, Procrastinate, Snack Vendor, All Patched Up, Weebomination, Expedition Plans, Submersible Chef, Three Wishes, Phyresz, Whodunit?, Imp
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