Valódi gyűjtemény: Ha a felhasználó valódi Hearthstone gyűjteményét szeretnéd látni, akkor kattints ide, vagy a profilmenüben a "Gyűjtemény" linkre!
Ez a felhasználó csak a Standard lapjait jeleníti meg!
Itt azok a lapok láthatóak, amelyeket az Imasarokban a "napi szerencse csomaggal" lehet kibontani itt az oldalon!
Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)
The Great Dark Beyond (2/33)
Perils in Paradise (3/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (2/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (8/28)
Festival of Legends (15/28)
Arthas's Gift (10. évforduló)
Death Growl (Festival of Legends)
Fistful of Corpses (Showdown in the Badlands)
Orbital Moon (The Great Dark Beyond)
Runes of Darkness (TITANS)
Cold Feet (Festival of Legends)
Down with the Ship (TITANS)
Harbinger of Winter (Core)
Necrotic Mortician (Core)
Northern Navigation (TITANS)
Soul Searching (Perils in Paradise)
Corpse Farm (Showdown in the Badlands)
Death Metal Knight (Festival of Legends)
Farm Hand (Showdown in the Badlands)
Hardcore Cultist (Festival of Legends)
Harmonic Metal (Festival of Legends)
Prosthetic Hand (Showdown in the Badlands)
Threads of Despair (Whizbang's Workshop)
Darkthorn Quilter (Whizbang's Workshop)
Eternal Layover (Perils in Paradise)
Quartzite Crusher (Showdown in the Badlands)
Remorseless Winter (Core)
Sickly Grimewalker (TITANS)
Suffocate (The Great Dark Beyond)
Boneshredder (Festival of Legends)
Deathbringer Saurfang (Core)
Screaming Banshee (Festival of Legends)
Obsidian Revenant (Showdown in the Badlands)
Cage Head (Festival of Legends)
Chained Guardian (TITANS)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)
The Great Dark Beyond (2/24)
Perils in Paradise (4/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (4/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (8/20)
Festival of Legends (8/20)
Crimson Sigil Runner (Core)
Eldritch Being (The Great Dark Beyond)
Patches the Pilot (Perils in Paradise)
Red Card (Whizbang's Workshop)
Taste of Chaos (Festival of Legends)
Saronite Shambler (TITANS)
SECURITY!! (Festival of Legends)
Aldrachi Warblades (Core)
Coordinated Strike (Core)
Gan'arg Glaivesmith (Core)
Load the Chamber (Showdown in the Badlands)
Paraglide (Perils in Paradise)
Rush the Stage (Festival of Legends)
Skirting Death (Perils in Paradise)
Snake Eyes (Showdown in the Badlands)
Tough Crowd (Festival of Legends)
Weight of the World (TITANS)
Ball Hog (Whizbang's Workshop)
Blindeye Sharpshooter (Showdown in the Badlands)
Dirdra, Rebel Captain (The Great Dark Beyond)
Fel Fissure (Showdown in the Badlands)
Gibbering Reject (Whizbang's Workshop)
Going Down Swinging (Festival of Legends)
Halveria Darkraven (Festival of Legends)
Instrument Smasher (Festival of Legends)
Raging Felscreamer (Core)
Aranna, Thrill Seeker (Perils in Paradise)
Guitar Soloist (Festival of Legends)
Gunslinger Kurtrus (Showdown in the Badlands)
Jotun, the Eternal (TITANS)
Midnight Wolf (Showdown in the Badlands)
Abyssal Bassist (Festival of Legends)
Expendable Performers (Core)
Illidari Inquisitor (Core)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/33)
Perils in Paradise (2/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (9/23)
Showdown in the Badlands (11/28)
Festival of Legends (7/28)
Cactus Construct (Showdown in the Badlands)
Free Spirit (Festival of Legends)
Magical Dollhouse (Whizbang's Workshop)
Peaceful Piper (Festival of Legends)
Funnel Cake (Festival of Legends)
Lifebinder's Gift (TITANS)
Conservator Nymph (TITANS)
Overgrown Beanstalk (Whizbang's Workshop)
Pendant of Earth (Showdown in the Badlands)
Snuggle Teddy (Whizbang's Workshop)
Splish-Splash Whelp (Showdown in the Badlands)
Take to the Skies (Showdown in the Badlands)
Tortollan Traveler (Perils in Paradise)
Chia Drake (Whizbang's Workshop)
Desert Nestmatron (Showdown in the Badlands)
Gloomstone Guardian (Showdown in the Badlands)
Spinetail Drake (Showdown in the Badlands)
Blood Treant (Festival of Legends)
Sky Mother Aviana (Whizbang's Workshop)
Crystal Cluster (Showdown in the Badlands)
Drum Circle (Festival of Legends)
Owlonius (Whizbang's Workshop)
Hydration Station (Perils in Paradise)
Fye, the Setting Sun (Showdown in the Badlands)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)
The Great Dark Beyond (1/24)
Perils in Paradise (6/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (2/23)
Showdown in the Badlands (6/24)
Festival of Legends (7/24)
Bunch of Bananas (Festival of Legends)
Catch of the Day (Perils in Paradise)
Sneaky Snakes (Showdown in the Badlands)
Thornmantle Musician (Festival of Legends)
Wilderness Pack (Whizbang's Workshop)
Absorbent Parasite (TITANS)
Arrow Smith (Festival of Legends)
Parrot Sanctuary (Perils in Paradise)
Chatty Macaw (Perils in Paradise)
Elemental Companion (Showdown in the Badlands)
Fable Stablehand (TITANS)
Harmonica Soloist (Festival of Legends)
Starshooter (Showdown in the Badlands)
Theldurin the Lost (Showdown in the Badlands)
Alien Encounters (The Great Dark Beyond)
Cash Cow (Perils in Paradise)
Star Power (Festival of Legends)
Aggramar, the Avenger (TITANS)
Obsidian Revenant (Showdown in the Badlands)
Toyrannosaurus (Whizbang's Workshop)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)
The Great Dark Beyond (1/24)
Perils in Paradise (1/23)
Whizbang's Workshop (2/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (2/24)
Festival of Legends (6/24)
Discovery of Magic (TITANS)
Synthesize (Festival of Legends)
Rewind (Festival of Legends)
Azerite Vein (Showdown in the Badlands)
Blasteroid (The Great Dark Beyond)
Elemental Companion (Showdown in the Badlands)
Fiddlefire Imp (Festival of Legends)
Meddlesome Servant (TITANS)
Remixed Dispense-o-bot (Festival of Legends)
Watercolor Artist (Whizbang's Workshop)
Unchained Gladiator (TITANS)
Volume Up (Festival of Legends)
Inquisitive Creation (TITANS)
Star Power (Festival of Legends)
Wisdom of Norgannon (TITANS)
Huddle Up (Perils in Paradise)
Yogg in the Box (Whizbang's Workshop)
DJ Manastorm (Festival of Legends)
Sunset Volley (Showdown in the Badlands)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)
The Great Dark Beyond (1/33)
Perils in Paradise (6/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (3/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (6/23)
Festival of Legends (6/24)
Divine Brew (Perils in Paradise)
Lifesaving Aura (Perils in Paradise)
Righteous Protector (Core)
Cold Feet (Festival of Legends)
Dance Floor (Festival of Legends)
Grimestreet Outfitter (Core)
Hi Ho Silverwing (Showdown in the Badlands)
Interstellar Researcher (The Great Dark Beyond)
Service Ace (Perils in Paradise)
Prosthetic Hand (Showdown in the Badlands)
Sir Finley, the Intrepid (Showdown in the Badlands)
Spirit of the Badlands (Showdown in the Badlands)
Flash Sale (Whizbang's Workshop)
Jitterbug (Festival of Legends)
Stand Against Darkness (Core)
Tigress Plushy (Whizbang's Workshop)
Kangor, Dancing King (Festival of Legends)
Keeper's Strength (TITANS)
Horn of the Windlord (Festival of Legends)
Power Spike (Perils in Paradise)
Annoy-o-Troupe (Festival of Legends)
Living Horizon (Showdown in the Badlands)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)
The Great Dark Beyond (1/24)
Perils in Paradise (3/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (8/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (4/24)
Festival of Legends (7/24)
Anduin's Gift (10. évforduló)
Fan Club (Festival of Legends)
Idol's Adoration (Festival of Legends)
Dreamboat (Festival of Legends)
Envoy of Prosperity (Perils in Paradise)
Funnel Cake (Festival of Legends)
Holy Springwater (Showdown in the Badlands)
Papercraft Angel (Whizbang's Workshop)
Power Chord: Synchronize (Festival of Legends)
Purifying Power (Whizbang's Workshop)
Silvermoon Brochure (Perils in Paradise)
Thrive in the Shadows (Core)
Twilight Torrent (TITANS)
Benevolent Banker (Showdown in the Badlands)
Careless Crafter (Whizbang's Workshop)
Fly Off the Shelves (Whizbang's Workshop)
Grace of the Highfather (TITANS)
Love Everlasting (Festival of Legends)
Pendant of Earth (Showdown in the Badlands)
Shadow Chord: Distort (Festival of Legends)
Soulburner Varia (TITANS)
Student of the Stars (TITANS)
Tram Heist (Showdown in the Badlands)
Raza the Resealed (Whizbang's Workshop)
Timewinder Zarimi (Whizbang's Workshop)
Twilight Medium (Perils in Paradise)
Clay Matriarch (Whizbang's Workshop)
Shield of Askara (The Great Dark Beyond)
Repackage (Whizbang's Workshop)
Shapeless Constellation (TITANS)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)
The Great Dark Beyond (4/24)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (7/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (3/24)
Festival of Legends (8/23)
Breakdance (Festival of Legends)
Mixtape (Festival of Legends)
Harmonic Hip Hop (Festival of Legends)
Shell Game (Showdown in the Badlands)
Thistle Tea Set (Whizbang's Workshop)
Toy Boat (Whizbang's Workshop)
Barrel Roll (The Great Dark Beyond)
Beatboxer (Festival of Legends)
Dust Bunny (Whizbang's Workshop)
Mic Drop (Festival of Legends)
Mimiron, the Mastermind (TITANS)
Pressure Points (The Great Dark Beyond)
The Crystal Cove (Whizbang's Workshop)
Tough Crowd (Festival of Legends)
Drilly the Kid (Showdown in the Badlands)
Sonya Waterdancer (Whizbang's Workshop)
Tiny Worldbreaker (TITANS)
MC Blingtron (Festival of Legends)
Sandbox Scoundrel (Whizbang's Workshop)
V-07-TR-0N Prime (TITANS)
Triple Sevens (Showdown in the Badlands)
Quasar (The Great Dark Beyond)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)
The Great Dark Beyond (1/24)
Perils in Paradise (4/23)
Whizbang's Workshop (5/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (6/24)
Festival of Legends (8/24)
First Contact (The Great Dark Beyond)
Lightning Reflexes (TITANS)
Saxophone Soloist (Festival of Legends)
Cactus Cutter (Showdown in the Badlands)
Disciple of Golganneth (TITANS)
Trusty Companion (Showdown in the Badlands)
Dehydrate (Showdown in the Badlands)
Fairy Tale Forest (Whizbang's Workshop)
Flash of Lightning (TITANS)
Jazz Bass (Festival of Legends)
Meltemental (Perils in Paradise)
Natural Talent (Perils in Paradise)
Sir Finley, the Intrepid (Showdown in the Badlands)
Backstage Bouncer (Festival of Legends)
Baking Soda Volcano (Whizbang's Workshop)
Brass Elemental (Festival of Legends)
Cabaret Headliner (Perils in Paradise)
Champion of Storms (TITANS)
Matching Outfits (Perils in Paradise)
Sand Art Elemental (Whizbang's Workshop)
Living Prairie (Showdown in the Badlands)
Crash of Thunder (TITANS)
Horn of the Windlord (Festival of Legends)
Giant Tumbleweed!!! (Showdown in the Badlands)
Kalimos, Primal Lord (Core)
Pack the House (Festival of Legends)
Shining Sentinel (Whizbang's Workshop)
Wish Upon a Star (Whizbang's Workshop)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)
The Great Dark Beyond (0/24)
Perils in Paradise (2/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (6/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (4/20)
Festival of Legends (8/19)
Chaotic Consumption (TITANS)
Void Virtuoso (Festival of Legends)
Announce Darkness (Perils in Paradise)
Baritone Imp (Festival of Legends)
Elementium Geode (Showdown in the Badlands)
Fearless Flamejuggler (Perils in Paradise)
Crescendo (Festival of Legends)
Encroaching Insanity (TITANS)
Fiddlefire Imp (Festival of Legends)
Malefic Rook (Whizbang's Workshop)
Mortal Eradication (TITANS)
Sludge on Wheels (Showdown in the Badlands)
Crazed Conductor (Festival of Legends)
Gloomstone Guardian (Showdown in the Badlands)
Lesser Amethyst Spellstone (Core)
Tabletop Roleplayer (Whizbang's Workshop)
Blood Treant (Festival of Legends)
Game Master Nemsy (Whizbang's Workshop)
Opera Soloist (Festival of Legends)
Tram Conductor Gerry (Showdown in the Badlands)
Crane Game (Whizbang's Workshop)
Wheel of DEATH!!! (Whizbang's Workshop)
Sargeras, the Destroyer (TITANS)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)
The Great Dark Beyond (4/24)
Perils in Paradise (3/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (5/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (4/23)
Festival of Legends (10/24)
Razorfen Rockstar (Festival of Legends)
Blast Charge (Showdown in the Badlands)
Jettison (The Great Dark Beyond)
Remixed Tuning Fork (Festival of Legends)
Roaring Applause (Festival of Legends)
Stoneskin Armorer (TITANS)
Unlucky Powderman (Showdown in the Badlands)
Bellowing Flames (TITANS)
Chorus Riff (Festival of Legends)
Food Fight (Perils in Paradise)
Frothing Berserker (Core)
Rock Master Voone (Festival of Legends)
Wreck'em and Deck'em (Whizbang's Workshop)
Backstage Bouncer (Festival of Legends)
Craftsman's Hammer (TITANS)
Kodohide Drumkit (Festival of Legends)
Blackrock 'n' Roll (Festival of Legends)
Drum Soloist (Festival of Legends)
Abyssal Bassist (Festival of Legends)
Deepminer Brann (Showdown in the Badlands)
Draconic Delicacy (Perils in Paradise)
Thor (The Great Dark Beyond)
Muensterosity (Perils in Paradise)
Dwarf Planet (The Great Dark Beyond)
Safety Expert (Whizbang's Workshop)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream (0/3)
The Great Dark Beyond (4/66)
Perils in Paradise (11/73)
Whizbang's Workshop (16/73)
Showdown in the Badlands (13/73)
Festival of Legends (28/73)
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (Whizbang's Workshop)
Air Guitarist (Festival of Legends)
Crowd Surfer (Festival of Legends)
Frequency Oscillator (Festival of Legends)
Giftwrapped Whelp (Whizbang's Workshop)
Starlight Wanderer (The Great Dark Beyond)
Tram Mechanic (Showdown in the Badlands)
Treasure Distributor (Whizbang's Workshop)
Vicious Slitherspear (Core)
Worgen Infiltrator (Core)
Audio Amplifier (Festival of Legends)
Busy Peon (Perils in Paradise)
Fogsail Freebooter (Core)
Party Animal (Festival of Legends)
Rolling Stone (Festival of Legends)
Sing-Along Buddy (Whizbang's Workshop)
Stereo Totem (Festival of Legends)
Trapdoor Spider (Showdown in the Badlands)
Bumbling Bellhop (Perils in Paradise)
Card Grader (Whizbang's Workshop)
Careless Mechanist (TITANS)
Celestial Projectionist (TITANS)
Cowbell Soloist (Festival of Legends)
Cryopractor (Perils in Paradise)
Customs Enforcer (Perils in Paradise)
Dreamplanner Zephrys (Perils in Paradise)
Festival Security (Festival of Legends)
Gorgonzormu (Perils in Paradise)
High Noon Duelist (Showdown in the Badlands)
Iridescent Gyreworm (Showdown in the Badlands)
Mixologist (Perils in Paradise)
Nexus-Prince Shaffar (The Great Dark Beyond)
Plucky Paintfin (Whizbang's Workshop)
Rumble Enthusiast (Whizbang's Workshop)
Stonehill Defender (Core)
Ur'zul Rager (The Great Dark Beyond)
Algalon the Observer (TITANS)
Azerite Chain Gang (Showdown in the Badlands)
Candleraiser (Festival of Legends)
Giggling Toymaker (Whizbang's Workshop)
Griftah, Trusted Vendor (Perils in Paradise)
Grimtotem Buzzkill (Festival of Legends)
Imposing Anubisath (TITANS)
Merch Seller (Festival of Legends)
Pozzik, Audio Engineer (Festival of Legends)
Pyrotechnician (Festival of Legends)
Rowdy Partner (Showdown in the Badlands)
Runefueled Golem (TITANS)
Sen'jin Shieldmasta (Core)
Sheriff Barrelbrim (Showdown in the Badlands)
Snake Oil Seller (Showdown in the Badlands)
Building-Block Golem (Whizbang's Workshop)
Disguised K'thir (TITANS)
Elite Tauren Champion (Festival of Legends)
Night Elf Huntress (Core)
Scrapbooking Student (Perils in Paradise)
Stranglethorn Tiger (Core)
Workshop Janitor (Whizbang's Workshop)
Cho'gall, Twilight Chieftain (TITANS)
Dread Deserter (Perils in Paradise)
Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot (Core)
Li'Na, Shop Manager (Whizbang's Workshop)
Origami Dragon (Whizbang's Workshop)
Package Dealer (Perils in Paradise)
Stone Drake (Showdown in the Badlands)
Unpopular Has-Been (Festival of Legends)
Wind-Up Musician (Whizbang's Workshop)
Galactic Crusader (The Great Dark Beyond)
Nozdormu the Eternal (Core)
Prison of Yogg-Saron (TITANS)
Stormwind Champion (Core)
Concert Promo-Drake (Festival of Legends)
Joymancer Jepetto (Whizbang's Workshop)
Ragnaros the Firelord (Core)
Thunderbringer (Showdown in the Badlands)
Onyxia the Broodmother (Core)
Deathwing the Destroyer (Core)
Factory Assemblybot (Whizbang's Workshop)
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream: 0/3 darab
The Great Dark Beyond: 21/357 darab
Perils in Paradise: 45/335 darab
Whizbang's Workshop: 69/335 darab
Showdown in the Badlands: 75/335 darab
TITANS: 109/335 darab
Festival of Legends: 118/335 darab
Core: 310/541 darab
10. évforduló: 2/29 darab
Összes kraftolási költség a Hearthstone-ban
668 120
Dust mennyiség az összes lap betörése estén
157 320
A meglévő lapok betörésével ennyi Dust járna
47 230
Hiányzik az összes lap kraftolásához
470 700