HírekHearthstone Patch 30.2: Battlegr...

Hearthstone Patch 30.2: Battlegrounds változások

Borovi Bence | 2024.08.16 11:00

Hearthstone Patch 30.2

Ebben a cikkben a 30.2-es patch Battlegrounds változásairól olvashattok. Az új trinketek, az új lapok, a kártyák, melyek megváltoznak, és amelyek eltávoznak. A patch augusztus 20-án 19:00-kor fog érkezni.


Ez a patch notes már nem tartalmaz sok újdonságot, a 8. BG szezon összefoglaló cikkünkben megtaláljátok az összes új lapot, Trinketet, távozó lapot és megváltozó lapot is.

A 30.2-es patch egyéb változásairól pedig itt írtunk:

Patch 30.2, minden, ami nem Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Patch 30.2: Új aréna szezon, speciális esemény, Wild Heroic Brawl és hibajavítások

Augusztus 20-án este érkezik a 30.2-es patch, ebben a cikkben pedig azokat a változásokat láthatjátok, amelyek nem kapcsolódnak a Battlegrounds játékmódhoz.

Blizzard Entertainment cikkének a fordítása

Új mechanizmus: Trinketek

Battlegrounds 8. szezon: Trinketek

Speciális passzív bónuszok, melyeket Goldért lehet megvásárolni és utána felhasználhatóak - akárcsak a Quest jutalmak. A játék kétszer fog Trinketeket felajánlani: a 6. ("Lesser Trinket" - gyengébb) és a 9. körben ("Greater Trinket" erősebb). Ezeket utána Goldért lehet kijátszani, a felajánlott Trinketek attól függően változnak képességben és Gold költségben, hogy milyen hőst használsz, milyen lénytípusok érhetőek el, és milyen a sereged a harctéren.

Lesser Trinketek (6. kör)

Feral Talisman

  • [3 Gold*] Your minions have +2/+1.

Lucky Tabby

  • [2 Gold] After 6 friendly minions die, get a random Beast.

Tiger Carving

  • [2 Gold] Whenever a friendly minion takes damage, give a random friendly minion +2 Attack permanently.

Felblood Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get a ‘Slimy Felblood.' Your Fiery and Slimy Felbloods give Attack and Health.

Rewinder Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get a ‘Soul Rewinder' and a ‘Wrath Weaver'. Your Soul Rewinders also gain Attack.

Glowing Gauntlet

  • [4 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +3/+3.

Darnassus Pie

  • [1 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1 for each minion you've sold this turn.

Demonblood Gourd

  • [1 Gold] Spellcraft: Choose a friendly minion. It consumes a random minion in the Tavern to gain its stats.

Holy Mallet

  • [3 Gold] Start of Combat: Give your left and right-most minions Divine Shield.

Valorous Medallion

  • [2 Gold] Start of Combat: Give your minions +2/+2.

Dragonwing Glider

  • [1 Gold] Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +3 Attack.

Smuggler Portrait

  • [1 Gold] Get a ‘Whelp Smuggler'. Your Whelp Smugglers are Dragons.
  • Fejlesztői megjegyzés: Ez érvényes a Whelp Smuggler-re is, amit a Tavernben és a Discover mechanizmusokban is láthatsz.

Training Certificate

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Double the stats of your two lowest-Attack minions.

Rockin' Music Box

  • [4 Gold] At the end of each turn, get a random Battlecry minion.

Lava Lamp

  • [3 Gold] After you sell 4 minions, get a random Elemental.

Nomi Sticker

  • [4 Gold] After you play an Elemental, Elementals in the Tavern have +1/+1 this game.

Primordial Terrarium

  • [4 Gold] After you play an Elemental, your next Tavern spell costs (1) less.

Dalaran Cheese Wheel

  • [4 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1. Upgrades every 3 times you Refresh.

Kodo Leather Pouch

  • [2 Gold] After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +2/+1.

Charging Staff

  • [3 Gold] At the end of each turn, give your minions with Divine Shield +4 Attack.

Kaboom Bot Portrait

  • [2 Gold] Get a ‘Kaboom Bot'. Your Kaboom Bots' Deathrattles deal 8 extra damage.

Automaton Portrait

  • [5 Gold] Get an ‘Ancestral Automaton'. Start of Combat: Summon an Ancestral Automaton.

Blingtron's Sunglasses

  • [3 Gold] After you summon a Mech in combat, give a friendly Mech Divine Shield.

Nerglish Phrasebook

  • [1 Gold] After you play a minion, give the left-most minion in your hand +3/+3.

Belcher Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get an ‘Operatic Belcher'. Whenever a friendly minion loses Venomous, it gains +5/+5 permanently.

Rusty Trident

  • [3 Gold] Start of Combat: Give your Naga, “Deathrattle: Get a random Spellcraft spell.”

Replica Cathedral

  • [3 Gold] Your first spell each turn casts twice.

Shaker Portrait

  • [6 Gold] Get a ‘Zesty Shaker'. Your Zesty Shakers give an extra copy of the spell.

Lorewalker Scroll

  • [4 Gold] Whenever you cast a spell on a minion, give it +2/+2.

Ship in a Bottle

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Get and summon a random Pirate. It attacks immediately.

Booty Bay Brew

  • [3 Gold] Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +1/+2.

Ceremonial Sword

  • [3 Gold] Whenever a friendly minion attacks, give it +4 Attack.

Hoggy Bank

  • [3 Gold] Start of Combat: Give your Quilboar “Deathrattle: Get a Blood Gem”.

Quilligraphy Set

  • [4 Gold] Avenge (4): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game.

Great Boar Sticker

  • [1 Gold] Your Blood Gems give an extra +3 Attack.

Eternal Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get an ‘Eternal Knight'. Start of Combat: Give your Eternal Knights Taunt and Reborn.

Twin Sky Lanterns

  • [2 Gold] When you have space, summon a copy of the first minion you summon each combat.

Staff of the Scourge

  • [3 Gold] Avenge (5): Give a random friendly minion Reborn.

Comfy Coffin

  • [4 Gold] After you cast a Tavern spell, your Undead have +1 Attack this game (wherever they are).

Fishy Sticker

  • [2 Gold] Start of Combat: Summon a Fish of N'Zoth that copies Deathrattles.

Artisanal Urn

  • [3 Gold] Your Undead have +3 Attack.

Windrunner Necklace

  • [3 Gold] Your left-most minion in combat has +8 Attack in combat.

Alliance Keychain

  • [4 Gold] The first time a friendly minion dies each combat, give its maximum stats to a random friendly minion.

The Eye of Dalaran

  • [2 Gold] Whenever a friendly minion with no type dies, get a random Tavern spell.

Colorful Compass

  • [2 Gold] Get a random . At the start of each turn, get another.
  • Fejlesztői megjegyzés: A felajánlott lénytípus mindig a leggyakoribb lénytípusod lesz.

Yogg-Tastic Pastry

  • [5 Gold] Spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron. At the start of each turn, spin it again.

Enforcer Portrait

  • [6 Gold] Get a ‘Lightfang Enforcer'. Your Lightfang Enforcers have all minion types.

Innkeeper's Stein

  • [2 Gold] The Tavern offers an extra minion of a higher Tier whenever it is Refreshed.

Azeroth Model Globe

  • [4 Gold] At the start of every 2 turns, Discover a Tier 6 minion.

Goldenizer Supply

  • [0 Gold] At the end of every 3 turns, get a Goldenizer.

Token of the Old Gods

  • [1 Gold] Spellcraft: Transform a minion into one of a Tier higher.

Souvenir Stand

  • [4 Gold] When you buy your Greater Trinket, this transforms into a copy of it.

Trip Vouchers

  • [2 Gold] In 2 turns, choose a Greater Trinket to buy and replace this.

Goblin Wallet

  • [2 Gold] At the end of each turn, increase your Maximum Gold by 1.


  • [2 Gold] The Tavern no longer offers cards from Tier 1 or Tier 2.

Book of Medivh

  • [5 Gold] Discover a Tavern spell. At the start of each turn, Discover another.

* Az összes itt látható Trinket költsége alapvető költség. Ezek a költségek változhatnak a játékban lévő lénytípusok és a harctéren lévő lényeid alapján.

Greater Trinketek (9. kör)

Feral Talisman

  • [3 Gold] Your minions have +5/+3.

Tiger Carving

  • [2 Gold] Whenever a friendly minion takes damage, give a random friendly minion +4 Attack permanently.

Glowing Gauntlet

  • [4 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +7/+7.

Nomi Sticker

  • [5 Gold] After you play an Elemental, Elementals in the Tavern have +2/+2 this game.

Dalaran Cheese Wheel

  • [4 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +2/+2. Upgrades every 3 times you Refresh.

Nerglish Phrasebook

  • [1 Gold] After you play a minion, give the left-most minion in your hand +6/+6.

Belcher Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get an ‘Operatic Belcher'. Whenever a friendly minion loses Venomous, it gains +15/+15 permanently.

Booty Bay Brew

  • [3 Gold] Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +2/+4.

Quilligraphy Set

  • [3 Gold] Avenge (4): Your Blood Gems give an extra +2/+2 this game.

Twin Sky Lanterns

  • [2 Gold] When you have space, summon 2 copies of the first minion you summon each combat.

Gilnean Thorned Rose

  • [3 Gold] Avenge (3): Give your minions +3/+3 permanently and deal 1 damage to them.

Slamma Sticker

  • [3 Gold] After you summon a Beast in combat, double its stats.

Rivendare Portrait

  • [2 Gold] Get a 'Titus Rivendare'. Start of Combat: Give your Titus Rivendares Stealth.

Nether Pendant

  • [2 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1. Upgrades every 4 times your hero takes damage.

Felbat Portrait

  • [5 Gold] Get a ‘Famished Felbat'. The Tavern always has 7 cards.

Darnassus Pie

  • [3 Gold] Minions in the Tavern have +2/+2 for each minion you've sold this turn.

Valorous Medallion

  • [3 Gold] Start of Combat: Give your minions +5/+5.

Dragonwing Glider

  • [1 Gold] Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +6 Attack.

Shaman Prayer Beads

  • [3 Gold] After you buy 2 Battlecry minions, get a random Battlecry minion.

Emerald Dreamcatcher

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Set your Dragons' Attack to the highest in your warband.

Jarred Frostling

  • [3 Gold] Start of Combat: Give 2 friendly Elementals ‘Deathrattle: Summon a Flourishing Frostling'.

Azerite Portrait

  • [5 Gold] Get a ‘Living Azerite'. Your Living Azerites also give stats to friendly Elementals.

Kodo Leather Pouch

  • [2 Gold] After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +4/+4.

Fridge Magnet

  • [3 Gold] Avenge (3): Get a random Magnetic minion.

Charging Staff

  • [3 Gold] At the end of each turn, give your minions with Divine Shield +7 Attack.

Mechagon Adapter

  • [4 Gold] After a friendly Mech loses Divine Shield, give it Divine Shield. (3 times per combat.)

Boom Controller

  • [4 Gold] When you have space, summon an exact copy of your first Mech that died each combat.

Essence of Dreams

  • [2 Gold] Get a ‘Dreamer's Embrace'. At the start of each turn, get another.

Bronzebeard Portrait

  • [1 Gold] Get a ‘Brann Bronzebeard'. Your Brann Bronzebeards are both Murlocs and Dragons.

Tinyfin Onesie

  • [2 Gold] Start of Combat: Your left-most minion gains the stats of the highest Health minion in your hand.

Spitescale Sushi Roll

  • [6 Gold] Get a ‘Spitescale Special'. Your Spellcraft spells cast twice.

Glowscale Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get a ‘Glowscale'. Your first Spellcraft enchantment each turn is permanent.

Lorewalker Scroll

  • [2 Gold] Whenever you cast a spell on a minion, give it +5/+5.

Elementium Chest

  • [3 Gold] Each combat, after 3 friendly Pirates attack, gain 1 Gold next turn.

Balladist Portrait

  • [4 Gold] Get a ‘Lovesick Balladist'. At the start of each turn, get another.

Designer Eyepatch

  • [5 Gold] You only need 2 copies of a Pirate to make it Golden.

Fancy Spellbook

  • [3 Gold] After you spend 7 Gold, get a random Tavern spell.

Conductor Portrait

  • [3 Gold] Get a ‘Snarling Conductor'. Whenever you discard a card, play a Blood Gem on all your minions.

Great Boar Sticker

  • [6 Gold] Your Blood Gems give an extra +4/+4.

Jar o' Gems

  • [3 Gold] Each combat, after 2 friendly minions attack, play a Blood Gem on all your Quilboar.

Blood Golem Sticker

  • [4 Gold] After a friendly Quilboar dies, summon a Golem with stats equal to its Blood Gems. (3 times per combat.)

Butcher's Sickle

  • [3 Gold] Get a ‘Butchering' and a random Undead with a Deathrattle. At the start of each turn, repeat this.

Artisanal Urn

  • [5 Gold] Your Undead have +7 Attack.

Mug of the Sire

  • [3 Gold] Whenever you would summon a minion that doesn't fit in your warband, give your minions +4 Attack.

Comfy Coffin

  • [4 Gold] Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, your Undead have +2 Attack this game (wherever they are).

Reinforced Shield

  • [3 Gold] Whenever you summon a minion, give it Divine Shield. (4 times per combat.)

Fishy Sticker

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Summon a Golden Fish of N'Zoth that copies Deathrattles.

Windrunner Necklace

  • [4 Gold] Your left-most minion in combat has +20 Attack in combat.

Bronze Timepiece

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Set each of your minions' Attack and Health to the higher of the two.

Alliance Keychain

  • [5 Gold] The first time a friendly minion dies each combat, give its maximum stats to 2 random friendly minions.

Horde Keychain

  • [2 Gold] Your minions from Tier 3 or lower have +6/+4.

Colorful Compass

  • [3 Gold] Get 2 random . At the start of each turn, get 2 more.

Karazhan Chess Set

  • [5 Gold] Start of Combat: Summon a copy of each of your minions.

Peacebloom Candle

  • [2 Gold] The first two Tavern spells you buy each turn are free.

Devourer Sticker

  • [2 Gold] Get a ‘Channel the Devourer'. At the start of each turn, get another.

Exquisite Dishware

  • [5 Gold] At the end of each turn, get a random minion of each different type you control.

Book of Medivh

  • [5 Gold] Discover 2 Tavern spells. At the start of each turn, Discover 2 more.

Ironforge Anvil

  • [4 Gold] Start of Combat: Triple the stats of your minions with no type.

Pagle's Fishing Rod

  • [6 Gold] Get a random Tier 7 minion. At the start of each turn, get another.

Bob's Tip Jar

  • [0 Gold] Gain 3 Gold. Increase your maximum Gold by 3.

Battlegrounds hős változások

Új hős

Marin the Manager

  • Fantastic Treasure
  • Passzív. Az 5. körben megvásárolhatsz egy Lesser Trinketet.

Marin the Manager

Hős változások

Alexstrasza, Queen Azshara, Millhouse Manastorm, Cap'n Hoggarr, Vol'jin, Madam Goya, és Sylvannus Windrunner, akik mind ideiglenesen ki voltak tiltva, visszatértek az elérhető hősök közé.

Dancin' Deryl (Hat Trick)

  • Passive. When you play a minion, give it a +1/+1 hat that passes to a friendly minion when sold.
  • Fejlesztői megjegyzés: Mostantól egy kalapot ad, amikor a lény kijátszásra kerül, nem akkor, amikor megvásárolod.

Guff Runetotem (Natural Balance)

  • Passive. After you buy 30 Tiers' worth of cards, get a Triple Reward.
  • Fejlesztői megjegyzés: Ez többször is aktiválható egy meccs során.

Kael'Thas Sunstrider (Verdant Spheres)

  • Passive. Every third minion you play gets +1/+1 and improves this by +1/+1.

Ragnaros the Firelord (Sulfuras)

  • Passive. At the end of your turn, give your left- and right-most minions +4/+4.

Trade Prince Gallywix

  • Mostantól ki van tiltva Elemental meccseken.

Aranna Starseeker

  • Többé nincs kitiltva Elemental meccseken.

Sylvanas Windrunner

  • Többé nincs kitiltva Undead meccseken.

Armor változások

Captain Hooktusk

  • Magas rang: 11, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 9

Millhouse Manastorm

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 18, Duos: 8

Master Nguyen

  • Magas rang: 8, Alacsonyabb rang: 8, Duos: 5

Forest Warden Omu

  • Magas rang: 8, Alacsonyabb rang: 8, Duos: 5


  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 7

Mutanus the Devourer

  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 13, Duos: 10


  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 5, Duos: 7

Arch-Villain Rafaam

  • Magas rang: 15, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 13

Cookie the Cook

  • Magas rang: 7, Alacsonyabb rang: 7, Duos: 5

Scabbs Cutterbutter

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 8

Trade Prince Gallywix

  • Magas rang: 5, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 3

The Lich King

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 8

Sire Denathrius

  • Magas rang: 11, Alacsonyabb rang: 11, Duos: 8

Vanndar Stormpike

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 8

Murloc Holmes

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 12, Duos: 8

Silas Darkmoon

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 8

Tamsin Roame

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 8


  • Magas rang: 16, Alacsonyabb rang: 16, Duos: 14

The Rat King

  • Magas rang: 9, Alacsonyabb rang: 9, Duos: 7


  • Magas rang: 15, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 13

Elise Starseeker

  • Magas rang: 15, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 13

George the Fallen

  • Magas rang: 17, Alacsonyabb rang: 17, Duos: 15


  • Magas rang: 8, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 5

Lady Vashj

  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 13, Duos: 10

Maiev Shadowsong

  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 18, Duos: 10


  • Magas rang: 19, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 18


  • Magas rang: 14, Alacsonyabb rang: 14, Duos: 12


  • Magas rang: 12, Alacsonyabb rang: 12, Duos: 10

Varden Dawngrasp

  • Magas rang: 15, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 13


  • Magas rang: 15, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 13

Kurtrus Ashfallen

  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 13, Duos: 10

Ini Stormcoil

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 6, Duos: 8


  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 13, Duos: 10

Lord Barov

  • Magas rang: 14, Alacsonyabb rang: 19, Duos: 12

Jandice Barov

  • Magas rang: 15, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 13

Dancin' Deryl

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 8

The Great Akazamzarak

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 8

Lich Baz'hial

  • Magas rang: 16, Alacsonyabb rang: 16, Duos: 13


  • Magas rang: 0, Alacsonyabb rang: 0, Duos: 0

Sir Finley Mrrgglton

  • Magas rang: 12, Alacsonyabb rang: 12, Duos: 10


  • Magas rang: 17, Alacsonyabb rang: 17, Duos: 14

Guff Runetotem

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 7

Tess Greymane

  • Magas rang: 17, Alacsonyabb rang: 17, Duos: 14

Millificent Manastorm

  • Magas rang: 16, Alacsonyabb rang: 5, Duos: 10


  • Magas rang: 12, Alacsonyabb rang: 12, Duos: 10

Cariel Roame

  • Magas rang: 16, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 13

Reno Jackson

  • Magas rang: 16, Alacsonyabb rang: 16, Duos: 13

Fungalmancer Flurgl

  • Magas rang: 15, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 12

Professor Putricide

  • Magas rang: 16, Alacsonyabb rang: 16, Duos: 14

Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

  • Magas rang: 14, Alacsonyabb rang: 14, Duos: 11


  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 13, Duos: 10


  • Magas rang: 5, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 2

Patches the Pirate

  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 5, Duos: 10

Heistbaron Togwaggle

  • Magas rang: 14, Alacsonyabb rang: 14, Duos: 12


  • Magas rang: 14, Alacsonyabb rang: 14, Duos: 12

Dinotamer Brann

  • Magas rang: 18, Alacsonyabb rang: 18, Duos: 15

Skycap'n Kragg

  • Magas rang: 14, Alacsonyabb rang: 14, Duos: 12

Infinite Toki

  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 13, Duos: 10

The Jailer

  • Magas rang: 19, Alacsonyabb rang: 19, Duos: 17

Lord Jaraxxus

  • Magas rang: 19, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 17


  • Magas rang: 7, Alacsonyabb rang: 7, Duos: 5

Enhance-o Mechano

  • Magas rang: 15, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 13


  • Magas rang: 12, Alacsonyabb rang: 7, Duos: 10

Ragnaros the Firelord

  • Magas rang: 18, Alacsonyabb rang: 13, Duos: 15


  • Magas rang: 16, Alacsonyabb rang: 16, Duos: 14

Kael'thas Sunstrider

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 7


  • Magas rang: 18, Alacsonyabb rang: 18, Duos: 16


  • Magas rang: 18, Alacsonyabb rang: 18, Duos: 15


  • Magas rang: 7, Alacsonyabb rang: 7, Duos: 7

Ambassador Faelin

  • Magas rang: 14, Alacsonyabb rang: 14, Duos: 12


  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 13, Duos: 11

Zephrys, the Great

  • Magas rang: 17, Alacsonyabb rang: 17, Duos: 15

Edwin VanCleef

  • Magas rang: 17, Alacsonyabb rang: 17, Duos: 15


  • Magas rang: 17, Alacsonyabb rang: 17, Duos: 15

Queen Azshara

  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 13, Duos: 11


  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 7, Duos: 10

Tavish Stormpike

  • Magas rang: 15, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 13

Captain Eudora

  • Magas rang: 19, Alacsonyabb rang: 19, Duos: 17


  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 13, Duos: 11

Illidan Stormrage

  • Magas rang: 14, Alacsonyabb rang: 14, Duos: 12


  • Magas rang: 18, Alacsonyabb rang: 18, Duos: 16

Mr. Bigglesworth

  • Magas rang: 16, Alacsonyabb rang: 16, Duos: 14

Death Speaker Blackthorn

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 7

Queen Wagtoggle

  • Magas rang: 15, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 13

Overlord Saurfang

  • Magas rang: 19, Alacsonyabb rang: 19, Duos: 17

Aranna Starseeker

  • Magas rang: 12, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 10

A. F. Kay

  • Magas rang: 14, Alacsonyabb rang: 14, Duos: 12

King Mukla

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 8

The Curator

  • Magas rang: 13, Alacsonyabb rang: 13, Duos: 10

Teron Gorefiend

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 8

E.T.C., Band Manager

  • Magas rang: 8, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 5

Rock Master Voone

  • Magas rang: 12, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 9

Inge, the Iron Hymn

  • Magas rang: 11, Alacsonyabb rang: 6, Duos: 8

Cap'n Hoggarr

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 8

Thorim, Stormlord

  • Magas rang: 15, Alacsonyabb rang: 15, Duos: 12

Snake Eyes

  • Magas rang: 6, Alacsonyabb rang: 6, Duos: 3

Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 7

Doctor Holli'dae

  • Magas rang: 10, Alacsonyabb rang: 10, Duos: 8


  • Duos: 14


  • Duos: 14

The Nameless One

  • Duos: 12

Flobbidinous Floop

  • Duos: 15

Madam Goya

  • Duos: 8

Battlegrounds kártya változások

Új kártyák

Free Travel Winner (Tier 2)

  • 2/2. At the start of your turn, if this minion survived last combat, remove this and get a Triple Reward.

Free Travel Winner Free Travel Winner Golden

Inspiring Underdog (Tier 4)

  • 2/1. Battlecry: Give your minions of Tier 3 or lower +2/+1.

Inspiring Underdog Inspiring Underdog Golden

Lucky Egg (Tier 5)

  • 2/2. Battlecry: Discover a Golden Tier 3 minion to transform into.

Lucky Egg Lucky Egg Golden

Sun Screener (Tier 6)

  • 10/1. Start of Combat: Give you and your opponent's 3 left-most minions Divine Shield.

Sun Screener Sun Screener Golden

One-Amalgam Tour Group (Tier 6, All)

  • 6/7. Whenever you play a card, give friendly minions of its Tier or lower +1/+1.

One-Amalgam Tour Group One-Amalgam Tour Group Golden

Prosthetic Hand (Tier 4, Mech/Undead)

  • 3/1. Magnetic, Reborn. Can Magnetize to Mechs and Undead.
  • Fejlesztői megjegyzés: Ez a kártya egy olyan lap, amit valószínűleg a Hearthstone játékmódból is felismersz, de a Battlegrounds változat Mech/Undead, míg a Standard változat továbbra is csak Mech.

Prosthetic Hand Prosthetic Hand Golden

Depraved Felfin (Tier 5, Demon/Murloc)

  • 4/3. After you Discover a minion, gain the stats of the other options.

Depraved Felfin Depraved Felfin Golden

Indomitable Mount (Tier 6, Beast)

  • 3/6. Deathrattle: Summon a random Beast from Tier 3, 4, and 5.

Indomitable Mount Indomitable Mount Golden

Pilgrimp (Tier 4, Demon)

  • 3/4. 1 Demon each turn costs Health instead of Gold to buy.

Pilgrimp Pilgrimp Golden

Mirage Conjurer (Tier 5, Demon)

  • 4/4. Choose One – Double the Attack of all minions in the Tavern; or Double their Health.

Mirage Conjurer Mirage Conjurer Golden

Wannabe Gargoyle (Tier 4, Dragon)

  • 5/1. Reborn. This is Reborn with full Attack.

Wannabe Gargoyle Wannabe Gargoyle Golden

Bountiful Bedrock (Tier 3, Elemental)

  • 4/3. At the end of every 2 turns, get a random Elemental.

Bountiful Bedrock Bountiful Bedrock Golden

Sleeping Sea Glass (Tier 3, Elemental)

  • 3/3. Choose One – Double this minion's Attack; or Health.

Sleeping Sea Glass Sleeping Sea Glass Golden

Moss of the Schloss (Tier 5, Elemental)

  • 3/4. When another friendly Elemental dies, gain its maximum stats. (Once per combat.)

Moss of the Schloss Moss of the Schloss Golden

Ancestral Automaton (Tier 2, Mech)

  • 2/5. Has +3/+2 for each other Ancestral Automaton you've summoned this game (wherever this is).

Ancestral Automaton Ancestral Automaton Golden

Mrglin' Burglar (Tier 6, Murloc)

  • 6/6. After you play a Murloc, give a friendly minion and a minion in your hand +6/+6.

Mrglin Burglar Mrglin Burglar Golden

Volcanic Visitor (Tier 3, Naga)

  • 3/3. Spellcraft: Choose One – Give your minions +2 Attack until next turn; or +2 Health until next turn.

Volcanic Visitor Volcanic Visitor Golden

Gift Pilferer (Tier 2, Pirate)

  • 2/3. Upgrading the Tavern costs (1) less.

Gift Pilferer Gift Pilferer Golden

Sky Pirate Flagbearer (Tier 4, Pirate)

  • 4/4. Start of Combat: Give your other Pirates “Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Pirate. It attacks immediately.”

Sky Pirate Flagbearer Sky Pirate Flagbearer Golden

Cruise Controller (Tier 5, Pirate)

  • 6/3. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, after you summon a Pirate, give it +4 Attack.

Cruise Controller Cruise Controller Golden

Ice Fisher (Tier 6, Pirate)

  • 8/8. After you buy a minion, gain stats equal to its Tier.

Ice Fisher Ice Fisher Golden

Fearless Foodie (Tier 4, Quilboar)

  • 2/5. Choose One – Your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game; or Get 4 Blood Gems.

Fearless Foodie Fearless Foodie Golden

Hot-Air Surveyor (Tier 5, Quilboar)

  • 5/8. Blood Gems played from your hand cast an extra time.

Hot-Air Surveyor Hot-Air Surveyor Golden

Museum Mummy (Tier 2, Undead)

  • 5/1. Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Skeleton.

Museum Mummy Museum Mummy Golden

Cadaver Caretaker (Tier 4, Undead)

  • 4/4. Deathrattle: Summon four 1/1 Skeletons.

Cadaver Caretaker Cadaver Caretaker Golden

Thundering Abomination (Tier 4, Undead)

  • 2/6. Whenever you summon a minion in combat, give it +2/+2. If there's no space, gain +2/+2 permanently.

Thundering Abomination Thundering Abomination Golden

Catacomb Crasher (Tier 5, Undead)

  • 5/10. Whenever you would summon a minion that doesn't fit in your warband, give your minions +1/+1 permanently.

Catacomb Crasher Catacomb Crasher Golden

Cry Foul (Tier 2, Tavern spell)

  • [2 Gold] Get a plain copy of a random minion from your last opponent's warband.

Cry Foul

Robust Evolution (Tier 3, Tavern spell)

  • [2 Gold] Choose a minion. Transform it into a random minion of a higher Tier. It keeps its stats.

Robust Evolution

Kártyák elérhetőségének változásai

A Beastek és a Dragonok többé nem lehetnek egyszerre jelen egy meccsen egy nem kívánt együttműködés miatt.

41 lény lett eltávolítva az elérhető lények közül:

  • Corrupted Myrmidon
  • Crafty Aranasi
  • Deck Swabbie
  • Felboar
  • Fire Dancer
  • Floating Watcher
  • Freedealing Gambler
  • Geomagus Roogug
  • Ghastcoiler
  • Greymane's Champion
  • Hateful Hag
  • Hungering Abomination
  • Magmaloc
  • Marine Matriarch
  • Mechanized Gift Horse
  • Mini-Myrmidon
  • Mooneater's Champion
  • Murgl Mk II
  • Murozond
  • Nightbane, Ignited
  • Poetic Pen Pal
  • Rat Pack
  • Replicating Menace
  • Rockpool Hunter
  • Silent Swimmer
  • Silivaz the Vindictive
  • Sin'dorei Straight Shot
  • Sister Deathwhisper
  • Slitherspear, Lord of Gains
  • Thousandth Paper Drake
  • Underhanded Dealer
  • Unforgiving Treant
  • Untameabull
  • Very Hungry Winterfinner
  • Zapp Slywick
  • Zilliax: Bonding Module
  • Zilliax: Claw Module
  • Zilliax: Crystal Module
  • Zilliax: Defense Module
  • Zilliax: Smoke Module
  • Zilliax: Whirring Module

22 lény visszatért az elérhető lények közé:

  • Deadly Spore
  • Motley Phalanx
  • Lightfang Enforcer
  • Interrogator Whitemane
  • Mecha-Jaraxxus
  • Leapfrogger
  • Sly Raptor
  • Keyboard Igniter
  • Twilight Emissary
  • Warpwing
  • Kaboom Bot
  • Kangor's Apprentice
  • Grease Bot
  • Murcules
  • Saltscale Honcho
  • Tidemistress Athissa
  • Orgozoa, the Tender
  • Warden of Old
  • Critter Wrangler
  • Southsea Busker
  • Thorncaptain
  • Xylo-bones

1 kártya el lett távolítva a Tavern Spellek közül:

  • Primal Staff

Kártya változások

Deadly Spore (Tier 3)

  • 1/1. Venomous.

Deadly Spore Deadly Spore Golden

Motley Phalanx (Tier 4)

  • 2/1. Taunt. Deathrattle: Give a friendly minion of each type +2/+1 permanently.

Motley Phalanx Motley Phalanx Golden

Lightfang Enforcer (Tier 5)

  • 6/6. At the end of your turn, give a friendly minion of each type +3/+3.

Lightfang Enforcer Lightfang Enforcer Golden

Interrogator Whitemane (Tier 5)

  • 8/5. Start of Combat: Give an enemy minion from Tier 5 or higher Taunt. It takes double damage this combat.

Interrogator Whitemane Interrogator Whitemane Golden

Land Lubber (Tier 3, Elemental/Pirate)

  • 4/5. The Tavern offers an extra Tavern spell after each Refresh.

Land Lubber Land Lubber Golden

Prime Mate (Tier 5, Beast/Pirate)

  • 3/9. After a friendly Deathrattle minion dies, gain 1 Gold next turn.

Prime Mate Prime Mate Golden

Monstrous Macaw (Tier 3, Beast)

  • 4/3. After this attacks, trigger your left-most Deathrattle (except this minion's).

Monstrous Macaw Monstrous Macaw Golden

Keyboard Igniter (Tier 3, Demon)

  • 4/4. Battlecry: Give your other Demons +2/+2 and deal 2 damage to your hero.

Keyboard Igniter Keyboard Igniter Golden

Wildfire Elemental (Tier 4, Elemental)

  • 9/5. After this attacks and kills a minion, deal excess damage to an adjacent minion.

Wildfire Elemental Wildfire Elemental Golden

Annoy-o-Module (Tier 3, Mech)

  • 2/4. Magnetic, Divine Shield, Taunt.

Annoy-o-Module Annoy-o-Module Golden

Grease Bot (Tier 4, Mech)

  • 1/4. Divine Shield. After a friendly minion loses Divine Shield, give it +1/+1 permanently.

Grease Bot Grease Bot Golden

Saltscale Honcho (Tier 1, Murloc)

  • 3/2. After you play a Murloc, give a friendly Murloc other than it +1 Health.

Saltscale Honcho Saltscale Honcho Golden

Snail Cavalry (Tier 1, Naga)

  • 3/2. Once per turn, after you cast a spell, gain +1/+1.

Snail Cavalry Snail Cavalry Golden

Warden of Old (Tier 3, Naga)

  • 2/2. Spellcraft: Gain 1 Gold.

Warden of Old Warden of Old Golden

Zesty Shaker (Tier 4, Naga)

  • 5/4. Once per turn, when a spell is played on this, get a new copy of it.

Zesty Shaker Zesty Shaker Golden

Critter Wrangler (Tier 5, Naga)

  • 3/5. Whenever you cast a spell on a minion, give it +2/+2.
  • Fejlesztői megjegyzés: A Zesty Shaker és a Critter Wrangler mostantól bármely spell-lel működik.

Critter Wrangler Critter Wrangler Golden

Xylo-bones (Tier 3, Undead)

  • 5/1. After you summon a minion in combat, gain +2 Health permanently.

Xylo-bones Xylo-bones Golden

Corrupted Cupcakes (Tier 5, Tavern spell)

  • [4 Gold] Choose a friendly Demon. It consumes 3 random minions in the Tavern to gain their stats.

Corrupted Cupcakes

Új jutalom térkép

40 szintnyni vakáció témájú jutalom érkezik a Battlegrounds 8. szezonjában, illetve a Beach Blast Legendary Strike, 17 további hős portré és egy új Kocsmáros is megszerezhető!

Battlegrounds 8. szezon jutalom térkép

A jutalom térképet itt tekinthetitek meg egy korábbi cikkünkben!

Forrás: Blizzard

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