Hearthstone Patch 7.0 - Új küldetések, hátlapok és kártya szövegek
Megérkezett a Hearthstone-ba a Mean Streets of Gadgetzan patch és érkeztek újabb küldetések, illetve hátlapok is.
- Join the Goons - Nyerj 3 meccset Hunter, Paladin, vagy Warrior kaszttal.
- Jutalom: 2 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan kártya comag.
- Join the Jade Lotus - Nyerj 3 meccset Druid, Rogue, vagy Shaman kaszttal.
- Jutalom: 2 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan kártya comag.
- Join the Kabal - Nyerj 3 meccset Mage, Priest, vagy Warlock kaszttal.
- Jutalom: 2 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan kártya comag.
Egyéb küldetések (nyilván ilyennel nem fogunk találkozni):
- Wise Beyond Your Years - Érd el a Legenda rangot 1 000 000-szor.
- Jutalom: 1 Gold.
- A Job for Ya' - Pusztíts el 100 000 lényt.
- Jutalom: 1 Gold.
Az összes elérhető küldetést megtaláljátok a Wiki > Küldetések menüpont alatt.
Ne feledjétek, a mai az utolsó nap, hogy előrendeljetek a Battle.Neten! 50 kártya csomagos ajánlatot lehet előrendelni! Aminek az ára $49,99 USD (44,99 EUR). Kattintsatok ide az előrendeléshez!
Új hátlapok:
Az összes elérhető hátlapot megtaláljátok a Wiki > Hátlapok menüpont alatt.
- Diablo - Secret Level
- Jutalom: The Dark Wanderer Kocsmai Verekedés, 2017.
- Jade Lotus
- A 20-as rang elérésével lehet megszerezni 2016 decemberében.
- Grimy Goons
- A 20-as rang elérésével lehet megszerezni 2017 januárjában.
- Kabal
- A 20-as rang elérésével lehet megszerezni 2017 februárjában.
Kártyák hátlap szövege:
Az összes kártya várhatóan pénteken be fog kerülni az adatbázisunkba, onnantól kezdve lehet őket nézni a lapok menüpontban, lehet rájuk keresni, lehet velük paklit készíteni, elérhetőek lesznek a "gyűjteményem" menüpontban is, illetve működni fog velük is a megszokott linkelés [kártya név].
Ezeket természetesen nem fordítjuk magyarra.
- Street Trickster - His first trick: making your wallet disappear!
- Red Mana Wyrm - It has double the Attack. "Go on." And double the Health. "Yes??" And its trigger has twice the effect. "WHAT???" And it costs… Five times more.
- Jinyu Waterspeaker - Waterspeakers can tell the future! So the Jade Lotus employs them to speculate on the Auction House.
- Kooky Chemist - #abs
- Blubber Baron - When oil, railroad, steel, robber, and red are all already taken, your options are limited.
- Grimestreet Protector - Some new asphalt should do the trick.
- Volcanic Potion - The secret ingredient in Kazakus's award-winning chili recipe.
- Kabal Lackey - I'll tell you one thing he doesn't lack: GUMPTION.
- Raza the Chained - "Could you do me a favor and get the keys from Kazakus?"
- Freezing Potion - This is delicious! Oh no. BRAIN FREEEEEEEZE!
- Wind-up Burglebot - Don't blame the bot for his crimes... Blame whoever keeps winding him up!
- Hidden Cache - There is an urban legend that the first Toxic Sewer Ooze was born because a rookie Goon stashed an open container of milk in a Hidden Cache.
- Hozen Healer - He didn't go to school for healing, but we keep losing all the good healers to Ratchet, so I guess we'll take him.
- Public Defender - Happy to defend any public offender!
- Smuggler's Run - One of the most famous busts in Gadgetzan's history happened on Smuggler's Run, where Sergeant Sally apprehended a cadre of Grimy Goons transporting a massive number of illegal fish heads.
- Jade Idol - Shuffle or no guts.
- Potion of Madness - You'd be insane NOT to drink it!
- Greater Healing Potion - Filled with electrolytes!
- Drakonid Operative - His job is to spy on the Goons and the Jade Lotus, but he's OBVIOUSLY a dragon so it's pretty hard work.
- Mana Geode - Gadgetzan, where even the pet rocks have pet rocks.
- Fel Orc Soulfiend - "Doc says the persistent burning sensation in my soul is probably just an ulcer."
- Crystalweaver - The trick is soaking the crystals in warm milk to soften them up.
- Bloodfury Potion - You know what really makes my blood boil? The skyrocketing price of Bloodfury potions!
- Mark of the Lotus - The mark of the Lotus is a little flower drawn in permanent marker on the ankle.
- Pilfered Power - The Hozen don't get paid much, but at least they get to keep any excess mana.
- Celestial Dreamer - If you think her job is easy, YOU try falling asleep on cue.
- Kabal Chemist - Sure you could have that Polymorph potion, but wouldn't you rather have this mystery potion? It could be anything. Even a Polymorph potion!
- Kazakus - The mysterious leader of the Kabal is NOT a dragon, and does NOT deal in illegal potions. Any public statements to the contrary will be met with litigation and Dragonfire Potions.
- Potion of Polymorph - Tastes like Baaaaananas.
- Greater Arcane Missiles - Wow, and I thought Arcane Missiles was great!
- Kun the Forgotten King - Aya siphons a bit of Kun's soul to animate each golem in her Jade army. To his credit, he's being a great sport about it.
- Call in the Finishers - When you really need a job done… but you don't really care if it gets done right.
- Jade Chieftain - Seeing his Jade Golem grow up into the tall, handsome 6/6 standing before him was the proudest moment of his life.
- Finders Keepers - INFINITE LOOP!
- Alleycat - To be a cool cat in Gadgetzan, you gotta have bling.
- Rat Pack - He's gonna do it his way.
- Kabal Talonpriest - Inkmaster Solia had to figure out how to tatoo feathers.
- Counterfeit Coin - There is something funny about this coin… can't quite put my finger on it…
- Brass Knuckles - For the goon that wants to make a fashion statement.
- Lotus Assassin - For 5000g, you can just give the Jade Lotus any name and they will assassinate and/or embarrass them.
- Jade Lightning - Jade Lightning, goooo Jade Lightning!
- Shadow Rager - WE WENT THERE!
- Patches the Pirate - What do sailors yell when Patches steals their treasure chest full of laws and other things being transported to parliament for a vote? "The Eyes have it!"
- Grimestreet Enforcer - "Sir, you don't have a permit to park your mount here."
- Grimestreet Informant - "Naw, naw. You're talkin' about Grime BOULEVARD. I ain't know nuthin' 'bout that."
- Hobart Grapplehammer - Grapplehammer is the horrible mind behind the Automatic Piranaha Launcher (banned in 7 districts)!
- White Eyes - My life for Aya!
- Backstreet Leper - Quit playing games with his heart. And his fingers. And foot. It's rude.
- Blowgill Sniper - Imagine how much further his darts would go if he had lungs instead of gills!
- Big-Time Racketeer - "It'd be a shame if someone disenchanted those Legendaries."
- Kabal Courier - Hey, you park your kodo under a harpy nest, you get what you deserve.
- Felfire Potion - Kazakus has a squad of imps bottling Felfire round-the-clock and he *still* can't keep up with demand.
- Jade Blossom - Meditating under a jade blossom is said to grant you wisdom, unless you have a pollen allergy.
- Jade Spirit - "He's so cute! I just want to squeeze him, then use him for Jade Golem parts!" - Aya Blackpaw
- Jade Claws - "Best manicure ever!" - Aya Blackpaw
- Grimscale Chum - Listen, see? We'll take 'em to the docks, see? And throw 'em in the sea, see?
- Krul the Unshackled - Spicklefizz pondered his life choices as he looked at the chain around his neck. "Become a warlock," they said. "You get to enslave demons," they said.
- Abyssal Enforcer - The Kabal print this on every package of illicit Mana Crystals: WARNING - DO NOT PUT WITHIN REACH OF ABYSSALS. THIS IS NOT APPROVED FOR USE BY FLAMING DEMONS OF ANY KIND.
- Weasel Tunneler - He's the reason the First Bank of Gadgetzan has steel floors.
- Stolen Goods - It fell off a kodo, I promise!
- Grimestreet Outfitter - If you bargain hard, he'll throw in the hat.
- Grimy Gadgeteer - "You look like a Gadgetgun 3000-Mark IV man, am I right?"
- Grimestreet Pawnbroker - "I don't know a lot about used GvG cards, so I'm going to have to call in an expert."
- Alley Armorsmith - The rent is cheap and she passes the savings onto YOU!
- Meanstreet Marshal - Remember, submit your bribes directly to the Marshal - it's the law!
- Kabal Crystal Runner - "Listen, I can cut you in on a little of this premium mana, but you can't tell my boss."
- Getaway Kodo - Get to da Kodo! Now!
- Aya Blackpaw - Though young, Aya took over as the leader of Jade Lotus through her charisma and strategic acumen when her predecessor was accidentally crushed by a jade golem.
- Unlicensed Apothecary - Get the ingredients wrong on ONE healing potion and they take your license. What a world!
- Wrathion - Wrathion, son of Deathwing, is a dragon. Why isn't he tagged as a dragon, you ask? WHAT, ARE YOU TRYING TO BLOW HIS COVER??
- Auctionmaster Beardo - Gadgetzan has always run an under-the-table auction house, and business has been PRETTY good for Beardo since the population explosion. And since the explosion that destroyed the competing auction houses in the city.
- Genzo, the Shark - Infamous in the seedy underground card rooms of Gadgetzan, he got his nickname winning the coveted Shark Plushie in the city's first Hearthstone tournament.
- Small-Time Buccaneer - "Oh, I'm not serious about it. I only pirate on the weekends."
- Tanaris Hogchopper - The Hogchoppers are well-known throughout Kalimdor for being a real, actual group.
- Leatherclad Hogleader - The Hogchoppers, the terrors of Tanaris, can always be found at one tavern or another in Gadgetzan, refueling for totally real and legit adventures that they go on.
- Lunar Visions - The true mystery of lunar visions is how there is nothing to watch when there are so many channels.
- Fight Promoter - "Yeah, I can get you Knuckles. No, no, he's been clean for *weeks*."
- Small-Time Recruits - Now we know why they wear tiny watches.
- Wickerflame Burnbristle - Wickerflame spent years as a recruit for the Goons, never making the big-time because he always fired his chest-cannon too slowly. "Hey," he thought, "maybe if I keep my beard lit on fire, I can do this faster." BOOM, promoted.
- Virmen Sensei - There is no carrot.
- Knuckles - When confronted with accusations of performance-enhancing bananas, Knuckles replied, "I get my fruit from trees I knock down with my bare hands like everyone else."
- Smuggler's Crate - Are you sure these are the crates that are supposed to go to the Gadgetzan petting zoo?
- Shaky Zipgunner - The Grimy Goons can get you any weapon you want but if you want it to not explode you gotta pay extra.
- Piranha launcher - A great improvement over the guppy launcher.
- Trogg Beastrager - Still angry that the Gadgetzan Rager Club wouldn't accept him as a member.
- Seadevil Stinger - Pretty harmless unless you're a Seadevil.
- Lotus Illusionist - If you think her Illidan and Sylvanas cosplay is great, wait till you see her Reno Jackson!
- Devolve - Ragnaros looked down. He looked like some kind of War Golem. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME," he yelled. But all that came out was a deep grinding sound. He began to cry.
- Shadow Sensei - He used to be Aya's tutor, but she fired him for bugging her too much.
- Gadgetzan Ferryman - Is it just me, or is there something fishy about that ferryman?
- Jade Swarmer - He's so good at swarming, he can swarm all by himself!
- Jade Shuriken - Good news is, after you remove it from your wound, you can use it to pay your medical bills!
- Spiked Hogrider - Did you know the Hogchoppers compete every year at the Mirage Raceway? They do. It's a real group.
- Inkmaster Solia - Solia marks the Kabal with intricate tattoos that grant immense power. Also it makes it harder for other gangs to recruit from their numbers. BACK OFF, GOONS.
- Don Han'Cho - The brilliant mastermind of the Grimy Goons, Han sometimes thinks about ditching the idiot Cho, but that would just tear him apart.
- Daring Reporter - She's working on a story! While skydiving!
- Lotus Agents - Mostly, they stand around and look cool.
- Grimestreet Smuggler - She's got anything you want. Need the latest derpinger? No problem!
- Ancient of Blossoms - His new shampoo is really working!
- Defias Cleaner - His house cleaning service is quite thorough. Not a spot to be found... or any of your stuff!
- Luckydo Buccaneer - You can't just leave a Luckydo somewhere. You gotta keep 'em with you! Especially in Gadgetzan!
- Jade Behemoth - I think we should talk about the jade elephant in the room.
- Finja, the Flying Star - The last true master of Finjitsu.
- I Know A Guy - Well… a guy who knows a guy.
- Naga Corsair - Hook-tails are nice and all but she keeps getting stuck on things.
- Shaku, the Collector - Aya even staged an intervention once, but Shaku still insists that he is not a hoarder.
- Second-Rate Bruiser - He'll be a first-rate bruiser once he gets used to his contacts.
- Hired Gun - He loves his job and would do it for free! (But don't tell his boss!)
- Friendly Bartender - "What'll it be? A Jade Brew? A Grimy Goose? A Kabal Manatini?"
- Toxic Sewer Ooze - When Sergeant Sally shows up unexpectedly, DO NOT FLUSH YOUR MANA CRYSTALS DOWN THE TOILET.
- Streetwise Investigator - "Hmmmm… Call it a hunch, but I'm starting to think that there may be some kind of criminal activity going on in Gadgetzan."
- Kabal Songstealer - Gadgetzan Writer's Award goes to the player who writes the most compelling fanfic about why this Arrakoa has a golden frog in his hand!
- Manic Soulcaster - When casting a tournament, you really have to put your soul into it!
- Pint-Size Potion - I hope you didn't disenchant your Shadow Word: Horror!
- Dragonfire Potion - No one was brave enough to fire the dragon in person… so they made the potion do it.
- Kabal Trafficker - She ships illicit mana crystals around the world in packages marked: FUNNEL CAKE.
- Gadgetzan Socialite - Comment on her height, and she'll go from flapper to kneecapper in seconds flat.
- Worgen Greaser - Hair products are 79% of his monthly budget.
- Grook Fu Master - Grook Fu, the ancient Hozen art of bashing heads with a stick.
- Bomb Squad - Please don't explode! Please don't explode! Please don't explode!
- Doppelgangster - "Every me, get in here!"
- Burgly Bully - He only burgles to pay the bills. He is really just a bully at heart.
- Mayor Noggenfogger - This flavor text was randomly generated. If it happens to form words and make sense, that is purely by chance.
- Blastcrystal Potion - There's a fine line between "potion" and "grenade". Wait. Actually, there's not.
- Cryomancer - She loves Frozen. I mean who doesn't?
- Sergeant Sally - "Who is she? Where did she come from? We don't even have a police force here in Gadgetzan!!" - Mayor Noggenfogger
- Dispatch Kodo - "Crime reported at First Bank of Gadgetzan. Huge quantities of Jade being carried away by what looks like a bunch of Hozen. Kodo 77 can you make it over there now?"
- Sleep with the Fishes - If you're sleeping with the fishes, we highly suggest not bringing an electric blanket.
- Mistress of Mixtures - Her favorite mixture is cola and lime.
- Dirty Rat - It's not his fault… Someone keeps stealing his soap!
- Madam Goya - She has set up her Black Market here in Gadgetzan for one purpose, to make a KILLING when Beanie Babies make their inevitable comeback.
Hét új Kocsmai Verekedés került be a játékba.
Beszélgetések a Grimy Goons, Kabal és Jade Lotus vezetői között:
- Jade Lotus - Aya Blackpaw Heehee, don't waste your potential.
- Jade Lotus - Aya Blackpaw You should come join the Jade Lotus.
- Jade Lotus - Aya Blackpaw3 We have ALL the fun stuff.
- Jade Lotus - Aya Blackpaw Swords, knives, gigantic golem armies....
- Jade Lotus - Aya Blackpaw Hahaha, man!
- Jade Lotus - Aya Blackpaw Did you see their face? Priceless!
- Jade Lotus - Aya Blackpaw You totally destroyed them!
- Jade Lotus - Aya Blackpaw I almost don't even need a Jade army!
- Jade Lotus - Aya Blackpaw You're almost as awesome as me.
- Jade Lotus - Aya Blackpaw You should totally join the Jade Lotus.
- Grimy Goons - Ogre YOU NO BUSY!
- Grimy Goons - Ogre JOIN OR WE SMASH YA!
- Grimy Goons - Ogre KEEP EM OFF OUR TURF!
- Grimy Goons - Ogre WE SMUGGLIN' WEAPONS!
- Grimy Goons - Ogre CHO IS IMPRESSED!
- Grimy Goons - Ogre YOU DO NEW JOB FOR US!
- Grimy Goons - Ogre Hey kid, welcome to Gadgetzan.
- Grimy Goons - Ogre We're Han'Cho. Kingpins of tha Grimy Goons.
- Grimy Goons - Ogre Hey, ya busy? We got a job for ya.
- Grimy Goons - Ogre This job would be... mutually beneficial.
- Grimy Goons - Ogre Ya done good, kid.
- Grimy Goons - Ogre Maybe now they know who runs Gadgetzan!
- Grimy Goons - Ogre Niiiice.
- Grimy Goons - Ogre Ey! Ya wanna give us a hand with these... goods?
- Grimy Goons - Ogre I concur.
- Grimy Goons - Ogre Ya know, we got a place for ya with tha Goons.
- Kazakus - Kabal That insolent runt knows nothing of power.
- Kazakus - Kabal Embrace your true destiny. Join the Kabal.
- Kazakus - Kabal Your path to power awaits you, child. HAHAHAHAHA HAHA! Erhm.
- Kazakus - Kabal You have some skill....
- Kazakus - Kabal Now use more of my mana. Embrace the Kabal!
- Kazakus - Kabal Good. Eh heh heh heh. Yes....
- Kazakus - Kabal My potions will grant you untold power....
- Kazakus - Kabal AHAHAH HAHAHA HAHA. At last! A powerful disciple!
- Kazakus - Kabal Together we will rule Gadgetzan. HAHAH AHAHAHA!
A patch notes fordítása délelőtt várható.
Forrás: HearthPwn - Hearthstone Patch 7.0
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