Valódi gyűjtemény: Ha a felhasználó valódi Hearthstone gyűjteményét szeretnéd látni, akkor kattints ide, vagy a profilmenüben a "Gyűjtemény" linkre!
Ez a felhasználó csak a Standard lapjait jeleníti meg!
Itt azok a lapok láthatóak, amelyeket az Imasarokban a "napi szerencse csomaggal" lehet kibontani itt az oldalon!
The Great Dark Beyond (1/18)
Perils in Paradise (3/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (3/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (2/28)
Festival of Legends (2/28)
Arthas's Gift (10. évforduló)
Death Growl (Festival of Legends)
Distressed Kvaldir (TITANS)
Necrotic Mortician (Core)
Corpse Farm (Showdown in the Badlands)
Frostbitten Freebooter (Perils in Paradise)
Prosthetic Hand (Showdown in the Badlands)
Rambunctious Stuffy (Whizbang's Workshop)
Soulbound Spire (The Great Dark Beyond)
Toysnatching Geist (Whizbang's Workshop)
Buttons (Perils in Paradise)
Eternal Layover (Perils in Paradise)
Helm of Humiliation (Whizbang's Workshop)
Cage Head (Festival of Legends)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (2/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (1/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (2/20)
Festival of Legends (2/20)
Oasis Outlaws (Showdown in the Badlands)
Adrenaline Fiend (Perils in Paradise)
Lesser Opal Spellstone (Whizbang's Workshop)
Gan'arg Glaivesmith (Core)
Infernal Stapler (Perils in Paradise)
Fan the Hammer (Showdown in the Badlands)
Instrument Smasher (Festival of Legends)
Guitar Soloist (Festival of Legends)
Expendable Performers (Core)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (1/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/23)
Showdown in the Badlands (1/28)
Festival of Legends (4/28)
Fanboy (Festival of Legends)
Harmonic Mood (Festival of Legends)
Trogg Gemtosser (Showdown in the Badlands)
Rhythm and Roots (Festival of Legends)
Timber Tambourine (Festival of Legends)
Bouldering Buddy (Perils in Paradise)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (1/23)
Showdown in the Badlands (5/24)
Festival of Legends (0/24)
Shimmer Shot (Showdown in the Badlands)
Absorbent Parasite (TITANS)
Ten Gallon Hat (Showdown in the Badlands)
Silver Serpent (Showdown in the Badlands)
Mantle Shaper (Showdown in the Badlands)
Product 9 (Whizbang's Workshop)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (1/23)
Whizbang's Workshop (1/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)
Festival of Legends (1/24)
Remixed Dispense-o-bot (Festival of Legends)
Rising Waves (Perils in Paradise)
Mantle Shaper (Showdown in the Badlands)
Sleet Skater (Whizbang's Workshop)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (1/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (1/23)
Festival of Legends (2/24)
Boogie Down (Festival of Legends)
Funkfin (Festival of Legends)
Prosthetic Hand (Showdown in the Badlands)
Flash Sale (Whizbang's Workshop)
Keeper's Strength (TITANS)
Lawful Longarm (Showdown in the Badlands)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (2/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)
Festival of Legends (1/24)
Acupuncture (Perils in Paradise)
Anduin's Gift (10. évforduló)
Fanboy (Festival of Legends)
Twilight Torrent (TITANS)
Shadow Chord: Distort (Festival of Legends)
Twilight Medium (Perils in Paradise)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (2/18)
Perils in Paradise (1/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (1/24)
Festival of Legends (4/23)
Starship Schematic (The Great Dark Beyond)
Disc Jockey (Festival of Legends)
Oh, Manager! (Perils in Paradise)
One Hit Wonder (Festival of Legends)
Record Scratcher (Festival of Legends)
Rhyme Spinner (Festival of Legends)
The Gravitational Displacer (The Great Dark Beyond)
Triple Sevens (Showdown in the Badlands)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (1/23)
Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (1/24)
Festival of Legends (1/24)
Lightning Reflexes (TITANS)
Natural Talent (Perils in Paradise)
Backstage Bouncer (Festival of Legends)
Champion of Storms (TITANS)
Living Prairie (Showdown in the Badlands)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (1/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (4/20)
Festival of Legends (1/19)
Baritone Imp (Festival of Legends)
Sludge on Wheels (Showdown in the Badlands)
Trogg Gemtosser (Showdown in the Badlands)
Trolley Problem (Showdown in the Badlands)
Waste Remover (Showdown in the Badlands)
Game Master Nemsy (Whizbang's Workshop)
Tram Conductor Gerry (Showdown in the Badlands)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (0/18)
Perils in Paradise (0/24)
Whizbang's Workshop (1/24)
Showdown in the Badlands (0/23)
Festival of Legends (3/24)
Roaring Applause (Festival of Legends)
Power Slider (Festival of Legends)
Backstage Bouncer (Festival of Legends)
Botface (Whizbang's Workshop)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond (2/65)
Perils in Paradise (3/73)
Whizbang's Workshop (3/73)
Showdown in the Badlands (1/73)
Festival of Legends (5/73)
Snowflipper Penguin (Core)
Adaptive Amalgam (Perils in Paradise)
Audio Amplifier (Festival of Legends)
Hipster (Festival of Legends)
Sing-Along Buddy (Whizbang's Workshop)
Eroded Sediment (Showdown in the Badlands)
Nostalgic Initiate (Whizbang's Workshop)
Ace Wayfinder (The Great Dark Beyond)
Algalon the Observer (TITANS)
Arkonite Defense Crystal (The Great Dark Beyond)
Octo-masseuse (Perils in Paradise)
Pozzik, Audio Engineer (Festival of Legends)
Magatha, Bane of Music (Festival of Legends)
Night Elf Huntress (Core)
Workshop Janitor (Whizbang's Workshop)
XB-488 Disposalbot (TITANS)
Sylvanas Windrunner (Core)
Unpopular Has-Been (Festival of Legends)
Containment Unit (TITANS)
Ragnaros the Firelord (Core)
Lap tetejére
The Great Dark Beyond: 5/263 darab
Perils in Paradise: 14/335 darab
Whizbang's Workshop: 12/335 darab
Showdown in the Badlands: 18/335 darab
TITANS: 22/335 darab
Festival of Legends: 26/335 darab
Core: 32/541 darab
10. évforduló: 2/27 darab
Összes kraftolási költség a Hearthstone-ban
653 240
Dust mennyiség az összes lap betörése estén
154 060
A meglévő lapok betörésével ennyi Dust járna
10 255
Hiányzik az összes lap kraftolásához
610 380