Hearthstone Hungary szerencse gyűjtemény: Ha a felhasználónak az Imasarokban kinyitott szerencse csomagjait a lapjait szeretnéd látni, akkor kattints ide !
Ez a felhasználó csak a Standard lapjait jeleníti meg!
Összesen: 540 /2607 - 410 /2607
Összesen: (53 /227 -
28 /227 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /0 - 0 /0 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /33 - 0 /33 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Showdown in the Badlands (9 /28 - 2 /28 )
Festival of Legends (7 /28 - 0 /28 )
10. évforduló (0 /2 - 0 /2 )
Fistful of Corpses (Showdown in the Badlands )
Runes of Darkness (TITANS )
Battlefield Necromancer (Core )
Distressed Kvaldir (TITANS )
Down with the Ship (TITANS )
Harbinger of Winter (Core )
Pile of Bones (Showdown in the Badlands )
Arcanite Ripper (Festival of Legends )
Corpse Farm (Showdown in the Badlands )
Crop Rotation (Showdown in the Badlands )
Farm Hand (Showdown in the Badlands )
Hardcore Cultist (Festival of Legends )
Remorseless Winter (Core )
Sickly Grimewalker (TITANS )
Skeleton Crew (Showdown in the Badlands )
Yelling Yodeler (Festival of Legends )
Boneshredder (Festival of Legends )
Deathbringer Saurfang (Core )
Hollow Hound (Festival of Legends )
Chained Guardian (TITANS )
Lap tetejére
Összesen: (48 /170 -
24 /170 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /0 - 0 /0 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Showdown in the Badlands (10 /20 - 0 /20 )
Festival of Legends (3 /20 - 0 /20 )
10. évforduló (0 /2 - 0 /2 )
Through Fel and Flames (Festival of Legends )
Crimson Sigil Runner (Core )
Oasis Outlaws (Showdown in the Badlands )
Taste of Chaos (Festival of Legends )
Parched Desperado (Showdown in the Badlands )
Pocket Sand (Showdown in the Badlands )
SECURITY!! (Festival of Legends )
Aldrachi Warblades (Core )
Coordinated Strike (Core )
Gan'arg Glaivesmith (Core )
Blindeye Sharpshooter (Showdown in the Badlands )
Raging Felscreamer (Core )
Midnight Wolf (Showdown in the Badlands )
Illidari Inquisitor (Core )
Lap tetejére
Összesen: (20 /194 -
18 /194 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /0 - 0 /0 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /33 - 0 /33 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /23 - 0 /23 )
Showdown in the Badlands (1 /28 - 0 /28 )
Festival of Legends (0 /28 - 0 /28 )
10. évforduló (0 /2 - 0 /2 )
Összesen: (21 /177 -
18 /177 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /0 - 0 /0 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /23 - 0 /23 )
Showdown in the Badlands (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Festival of Legends (2 /24 - 0 /24 )
10. évforduló (0 /2 - 0 /2 )
Costumed Singer (Festival of Legends )
Yelling Yodeler (Festival of Legends )
Hollow Hound (Festival of Legends )
Lap tetejére
Összesen: (40 /177 -
26 /177 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /0 - 0 /0 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /23 - 0 /23 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Showdown in the Badlands (10 /24 - 0 /24 )
Festival of Legends (2 /24 - 0 /24 )
10. évforduló (0 /2 - 0 /2 )
Costumed Singer (Festival of Legends )
Discovery of Magic (TITANS )
Cosmic Keyboard (Festival of Legends )
Cryopreservation (Showdown in the Badlands )
Heat Wave (Showdown in the Badlands )
Stargazing (Showdown in the Badlands )
Reliquary Researcher (Showdown in the Badlands )
Blastmage Miner (Showdown in the Badlands )
Sunset Volley (Showdown in the Badlands )
Lap tetejére
Összesen: (62 /190 -
32 /190 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /0 - 0 /0 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /33 - 0 /33 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Showdown in the Badlands (14 /23 - 1 /23 )
Festival of Legends (9 /24 - 0 /24 )
10. évforduló (0 /2 - 0 /2 )
Righteous Protector (Core )
Grimestreet Outfitter (Core )
Hi Ho Silverwing (Showdown in the Badlands )
Jukebox Totem (Festival of Legends )
Lay Down the Law (Showdown in the Badlands )
Spotlight (Festival of Legends )
Boogie Down (Festival of Legends )
Deputization Aura (Showdown in the Badlands )
Funkfin (Festival of Legends )
Holy Cowboy (Showdown in the Badlands )
Showdown! (Showdown in the Badlands )
Stand Against Darkness (Core )
Keeper's Strength (TITANS )
Lawful Longarm (Showdown in the Badlands )
Horn of the Windlord (Festival of Legends )
The Badlands Bandits (Showdown in the Badlands )
Amitus, the Peacekeeper (TITANS )
Prismatic Beam (Showdown in the Badlands )
Lap tetejére
Összesen: (29 /177 -
14 /177 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /0 - 0 /0 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Showdown in the Badlands (8 /24 - 0 /24 )
Festival of Legends (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
10. évforduló (0 /2 - 0 /2 )
Holy Springwater (Showdown in the Badlands )
Thrive in the Shadows (Core )
Injured Hauler (Showdown in the Badlands )
Tram Heist (Showdown in the Badlands )
Thirsty Drifter (Showdown in the Badlands )
Lap tetejére
Összesen: (23 /177 -
11 /177 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /0 - 0 /0 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Showdown in the Badlands (0 /24 - 3 /24 )
Festival of Legends (0 /23 - 0 /23 )
10. évforduló (0 /2 - 0 /2 )
Velarok Windblade (Showdown in the Badlands )
Hench-Clan Burglar (Core )
Wishing Well (Showdown in the Badlands )
Lap tetejére
Összesen: (25 /177 -
24 /177 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /0 - 0 /0 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /23 - 0 /23 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Showdown in the Badlands (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Festival of Legends (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
10. évforduló (0 /2 - 0 /2 )
Ancestral Knowledge (Core )
Jukebox Totem (Festival of Legends )
Horn of the Windlord (Festival of Legends )
Al'Akir the Windlord (Core )
Lap tetejére
Összesen: (21 /169 -
22 /169 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /0 - 0 /0 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Showdown in the Badlands (0 /20 - 0 /20 )
Festival of Legends (0 /19 - 0 /19 )
10. évforduló (0 /2 - 0 /2 )
Enhanced Dreadlord (Core )
Imprisoned Horror (TITANS )
Lap tetejére
Összesen: (25 /176 -
26 /176 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /0 - 0 /0 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /24 - 0 /24 )
Showdown in the Badlands (0 /23 - 0 /23 )
Festival of Legends (2 /24 - 0 /24 )
10. évforduló (0 /2 - 0 /2 )
Through Fel and Flames (Festival of Legends )
Frothing Berserker (Core )
Grommash Hellscream (Core )
Lap tetejére
Összesen: (173 /596 -
167 /596 )
Into the Emerald Dream (0 /3 - 0 /3 )
The Great Dark Beyond (0 /66 - 0 /66 )
Perils in Paradise (0 /73 - 0 /73 )
Whizbang's Workshop (0 /73 - 0 /73 )
Showdown in the Badlands (30 /73 - 20 /73 )
Festival of Legends (5 /73 - 16 /73 )
10. évforduló (0 /7 - 0 /7 )
Snowflipper Penguin (Core )
Drone Deconstructor (TITANS )
Frequency Oscillator (Festival of Legends )
Miracle Salesman (Showdown in the Badlands )
Tram Mechanic (Showdown in the Badlands )
Victorious Vrykul (TITANS )
Worgen Infiltrator (Core )
Audio Amplifier (Festival of Legends )
Dryscale Deputy (Showdown in the Badlands )
Flint Firearm (Showdown in the Badlands )
Fogsail Freebooter (Core )
Gold Panner (Showdown in the Badlands )
Greedy Partner (Showdown in the Badlands )
Horseshoe Slinger (Showdown in the Badlands )
Howdyfin (Showdown in the Badlands )
Kobold Miner (Showdown in the Badlands )
Party Animal (Festival of Legends )
Saloon Brewmaster (Showdown in the Badlands )
Stereo Totem (Festival of Legends )
Trapdoor Spider (Showdown in the Badlands )
Watcher of the Sun (TITANS )
Youthful Brewmaster (Core )
Celestial Projectionist (TITANS )
Cowbell Soloist (Festival of Legends )
Demolition Renovator (Core )
Eroded Sediment (Showdown in the Badlands )
Festival Security (Festival of Legends )
High Noon Duelist (Showdown in the Badlands )
Linedance Partner (Showdown in the Badlands )
Sharp-Eyed Seeker (TITANS )
Worgen Roadie (Festival of Legends )
Algalon the Observer (TITANS )
Azerite Chain Gang (Showdown in the Badlands )
Dang-Blasted Elemental (Showdown in the Badlands )
E.T.C., Band Manager (Festival of Legends )
Gaslight Gatekeeper (Showdown in the Badlands )
Ignis, the Eternal Flame (TITANS )
Mechagnome Guide (TITANS )
Pozzik, Audio Engineer (Festival of Legends )
Replicating Menace (Core )
Rowdy Partner (Showdown in the Badlands )
Runefueled Golem (TITANS )
Sen'jin Shieldmasta (Core )
Sheriff Barrelbrim (Showdown in the Badlands )
Snake Oil Seller (Showdown in the Badlands )
Time-Lost Protodrake (TITANS )
Burrow Buster (Showdown in the Badlands )
Ghost Writer (Festival of Legends )
Stranglethorn Tiger (Core )
XB-488 Disposalbot (TITANS )
Sunspot Dragon (Showdown in the Badlands )
Containment Unit (TITANS )
Nozdormu the Eternal (Core )
Prison of Yogg-Saron (TITANS )
Stormwind Champion (Core )
Azerite Giant (Showdown in the Badlands )
Mish-Mash Mosher (Festival of Legends )
Ragnaros the Firelord (Core )
Thunderbringer (Showdown in the Badlands )
Malygos the Spellweaver (Core )
Onyxia the Broodmother (Core )
Amplified Elekk (Festival of Legends )
Deathwing the Destroyer (Core )
Reno, Lone Ranger (Showdown in the Badlands )
Yogg-Saron, Unleashed (TITANS )
Lap tetejére
Into the Emerald Dream kiegészítő Into the Emerald Dream: 0/3 darab - 0 /3 darab
The Great Dark Beyond kiegészítő The Great Dark Beyond: 0/357 darab - 0 /357 darab
Perils in Paradise kiegészítő Perils in Paradise: 0/335 darab - 0 /335 darab
Whizbang's Workshop kiegészítő Whizbang's Workshop: 0/335 darab - 0 /335 darab
Showdown in the Badlands kiegészítő Showdown in the Badlands: 82/335 darab - 26 /335 darab
TITANS kiegészítő TITANS: 48/335 darab - 27 /335 darab
Festival of Legends kiegészítő Festival of Legends: 30/335 darab - 16 /335 darab
Core szett Core: 380/541 darab - 341 /541 darab
10. évforduló 10. évforduló: 0/29 darab - 0 /29 darab
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