kossza profilképe

kossza (Epic) - Közösségépítő profilja

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kossza Hearthstone Hungary szerencse gyűjteménye

Valódi gyűjtemény: Ha a felhasználó valódi Hearthstone gyűjteményét szeretnéd látni, akkor kattints ide, vagy a profilmenüben a "Gyűjtemény" linkre!

Ez a felhasználó az összes lapját megjeleníti!

Itt azok a lapok láthatóak, amelyeket az Imasarokban a "napi szerencse csomaggal" lehet kibontani itt az oldalon!

Death Knight lapok
Demon Hunter lapok
Druid lapok
Hunter lapok
Mage lapok
Paladin lapok
Priest lapok
Rogue lapok
Shaman lapok
Warlock lapok
Warrior lapok
Semleges lapok
Gyűjtemény Dust
Összesen: 33/10042

Összesen: (0/326)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/33)

Perils in Paradise (0/24)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/28)

TITANS (0/24)

Festival of Legends (0/28)

March of the Lich King (0/23)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/0)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/0)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/0)

United in Stormwind (0/0)

Forged in the Barrens (0/0)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (0/0)

Scholomance Academy (0/0)

Ashes of Outland (0/0)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/0)

Descent of Dragons (0/0)

Saviors of Uldum (0/0)

Rise of Shadows (0/0)

Rastakhan's Rumble (0/0)

The Boomsday Project (0/0)

The Witchwood (0/0)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/0)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/0)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/0)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (0/0)

One Night in Karazhan (0/0)

Whispers of the Old Gods (0/0)

League of Explorers (0/0)

The Grand Tournament (0/0)

Blackrock Mountain (0/0)

Goblins vs Gnomes (0/0)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/0)

Core (0/64)

Legacy (0/27)

Path of Arthas (0/49)

Caverns of Time (0/0)

10. évforduló (0/2)

Még nincs Death Knight lapja!

Lap tetejére

Összesen: (1/460)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/24)

Perils in Paradise (0/24)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/20)

TITANS (0/24)

Festival of Legends (0/20)

March of the Lich King (0/24)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/23)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/24)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/24)

United in Stormwind (0/24)

Forged in the Barrens (0/24)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (0/32)

Scholomance Academy (0/28)

Ashes of Outland (1/28)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/0)

Descent of Dragons (0/0)

Saviors of Uldum (0/0)

Rise of Shadows (0/0)

Rastakhan's Rumble (0/0)

The Boomsday Project (0/0)

The Witchwood (0/0)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/0)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/0)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/0)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (0/0)

One Night in Karazhan (0/0)

Whispers of the Old Gods (0/0)

League of Explorers (0/0)

The Grand Tournament (0/0)

Blackrock Mountain (0/0)

Goblins vs Gnomes (0/0)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/0)

Core (0/32)

Legacy (0/59)

Caverns of Time (0/0)

10. évforduló (0/2)

Priestess of Fury kártya
Priestess of Fury (Ashes of Outland)

Lap tetejére

Összesen: (3/738)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/33)

Perils in Paradise (0/24)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/23)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/28)

TITANS (0/24)

Festival of Legends (0/28)

March of the Lich King (0/24)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/24)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/24)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/24)

United in Stormwind (0/24)

Forged in the Barrens (1/23)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (0/26)

Scholomance Academy (0/18)

Ashes of Outland (0/18)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/6)

Descent of Dragons (0/18)

Saviors of Uldum (0/18)

Rise of Shadows (0/18)

Rastakhan's Rumble (0/18)

The Boomsday Project (0/18)

The Witchwood (1/18)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/18)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/18)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/18)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (0/22)

One Night in Karazhan (0/6)

Whispers of the Old Gods (0/17)

League of Explorers (0/6)

The Grand Tournament (0/17)

Blackrock Mountain (0/4)

Goblins vs Gnomes (0/15)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/2)

Core (0/32)

Legacy (1/53)

Caverns of Time (0/29)

10. évforduló (0/2)

Witching Hour kártya
Witching Hour (The Witchwood)
Thickhide Kodo kártya
Thickhide Kodo (Forged in the Barrens)
Ironbark Protector kártya
Ironbark Protector (Legacy)

Lap tetejére

Összesen: (2/716)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/24)

Perils in Paradise (0/24)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/23)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)

TITANS (0/24)

Festival of Legends (0/24)

March of the Lich King (0/24)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/23)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/24)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/24)

United in Stormwind (0/24)

Forged in the Barrens (0/24)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (0/24)

Scholomance Academy (0/18)

Ashes of Outland (0/18)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/6)

Descent of Dragons (0/18)

Saviors of Uldum (0/18)

Rise of Shadows (0/18)

Rastakhan's Rumble (0/18)

The Boomsday Project (0/18)

The Witchwood (0/18)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/18)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/18)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/18)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (1/22)

One Night in Karazhan (0/6)

Whispers of the Old Gods (0/17)

League of Explorers (0/6)

The Grand Tournament (0/18)

Blackrock Mountain (0/4)

Goblins vs Gnomes (1/15)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/2)

Core (0/32)

Legacy (0/51)

Caverns of Time (0/27)

10. évforduló (0/2)

Steamwheedle Sniper kártya
Steamwheedle Sniper (Goblins vs Gnomes)
Dispatch Kodo kártya
Dispatch Kodo (Mean Streets of Gadgetzan)

Lap tetejére

Összesen: (3/723)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/24)

Perils in Paradise (0/23)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)

TITANS (0/24)

Festival of Legends (1/24)

March of the Lich King (0/24)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/24)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/23)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/23)

United in Stormwind (1/24)

Forged in the Barrens (0/24)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (1/25)

Scholomance Academy (0/25)

Ashes of Outland (0/18)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/5)

Descent of Dragons (0/18)

Saviors of Uldum (0/18)

Rise of Shadows (0/18)

Rastakhan's Rumble (0/18)

The Boomsday Project (0/18)

The Witchwood (0/18)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/18)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/18)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/18)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (0/22)

One Night in Karazhan (0/6)

Whispers of the Old Gods (0/17)

League of Explorers (0/6)

The Grand Tournament (0/17)

Blackrock Mountain (0/4)

Goblins vs Gnomes (0/15)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/2)

Core (0/32)

Legacy (0/54)

Caverns of Time (0/26)

10. évforduló (0/2)

Glacier Racer kártya
Glacier Racer (Madness at the Darkmoon Faire)
Sorcerer's Gambit kártya
Sorcerer's Gambit (United in Stormwind)
Reverberations kártya
Reverberations (Festival of Legends)

Lap tetejére

Összesen: (1/731)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/33)

Perils in Paradise (0/24)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/23)

TITANS (0/24)

Festival of Legends (0/24)

March of the Lich King (0/23)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/24)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/24)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/24)

United in Stormwind (0/24)

Forged in the Barrens (0/24)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (0/26)

Scholomance Academy (0/25)

Ashes of Outland (0/18)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/6)

Descent of Dragons (0/18)

Saviors of Uldum (0/18)

Rise of Shadows (0/18)

Rastakhan's Rumble (1/18)

The Boomsday Project (0/18)

The Witchwood (0/18)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/18)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/18)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/18)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (0/17)

One Night in Karazhan (0/6)

Whispers of the Old Gods (0/17)

League of Explorers (0/6)

The Grand Tournament (0/17)

Blackrock Mountain (0/4)

Goblins vs Gnomes (0/15)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/2)

Core (0/36)

Legacy (0/53)

Caverns of Time (0/24)

10. évforduló (0/2)

A New Challenger... kártya
A New Challenger... (Rastakhan's Rumble)

Lap tetejére

Összesen: (5/722)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/24)

Perils in Paradise (0/24)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)

TITANS (1/23)

Festival of Legends (0/24)

March of the Lich King (0/24)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/24)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/24)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/23)

United in Stormwind (1/24)

Forged in the Barrens (1/24)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (0/21)

Scholomance Academy (0/18)

Ashes of Outland (0/18)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/6)

Descent of Dragons (0/19)

Saviors of Uldum (0/18)

Rise of Shadows (0/18)

Rastakhan's Rumble (0/18)

The Boomsday Project (0/18)

The Witchwood (1/18)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/18)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/18)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/18)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (0/17)

One Night in Karazhan (0/6)

Whispers of the Old Gods (0/17)

League of Explorers (0/6)

The Grand Tournament (1/17)

Blackrock Mountain (0/4)

Goblins vs Gnomes (0/15)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/2)

Core (0/32)

Legacy (0/68)

Caverns of Time (0/24)

10. évforduló (0/2)

Shadowfiend kártya
Shadowfiend (The Grand Tournament)
Grace of the Highfather kártya
Grace of the Highfather (TITANS)
Xyrella kártya
Xyrella (Forged in the Barrens)
Elekk Mount kártya
Elekk Mount (United in Stormwind)
Nightscale Matriarch kártya
Nightscale Matriarch (The Witchwood)

Lap tetejére

Összesen: (0/711)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/24)

Perils in Paradise (0/24)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)

TITANS (0/24)

Festival of Legends (0/23)

March of the Lich King (0/24)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/24)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/24)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/24)

United in Stormwind (0/23)

Forged in the Barrens (0/24)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (0/24)

Scholomance Academy (0/18)

Ashes of Outland (0/18)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/6)

Descent of Dragons (0/19)

Saviors of Uldum (0/18)

Rise of Shadows (0/18)

Rastakhan's Rumble (0/18)

The Boomsday Project (0/18)

The Witchwood (0/18)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/18)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/18)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/18)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (0/17)

One Night in Karazhan (0/6)

Whispers of the Old Gods (0/17)

League of Explorers (0/6)

The Grand Tournament (0/17)

Blackrock Mountain (0/4)

Goblins vs Gnomes (0/15)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/2)

Core (0/32)

Legacy (0/54)

Caverns of Time (0/24)

10. évforduló (0/2)

Még nincs Rogue lapja!

Lap tetejére

Összesen: (3/696)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/24)

Perils in Paradise (0/23)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/24)

TITANS (0/24)

Festival of Legends (0/24)

March of the Lich King (0/24)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/24)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/24)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/24)

United in Stormwind (0/23)

Forged in the Barrens (1/24)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (0/22)

Scholomance Academy (0/11)

Ashes of Outland (1/18)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/5)

Descent of Dragons (0/19)

Saviors of Uldum (0/18)

Rise of Shadows (0/18)

Rastakhan's Rumble (0/18)

The Boomsday Project (1/18)

The Witchwood (0/18)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/18)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/18)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/18)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (0/17)

One Night in Karazhan (0/6)

Whispers of the Old Gods (0/17)

League of Explorers (0/6)

The Grand Tournament (0/17)

Blackrock Mountain (0/4)

Goblins vs Gnomes (0/15)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/2)

Core (0/32)

Legacy (0/49)

Caverns of Time (0/24)

10. évforduló (0/2)

Elementary Reaction kártya
Elementary Reaction (The Boomsday Project)
Earth Revenant kártya
Earth Revenant (Forged in the Barrens)
The Lurker Below kártya
The Lurker Below (Ashes of Outland)

Lap tetejére

Összesen: (2/709)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/24)

Perils in Paradise (0/24)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/20)

TITANS (0/24)

Festival of Legends (0/19)

March of the Lich King (0/24)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/24)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/23)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/24)

United in Stormwind (0/24)

Forged in the Barrens (0/24)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (0/25)

Scholomance Academy (0/18)

Ashes of Outland (0/18)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/6)

Descent of Dragons (0/19)

Saviors of Uldum (0/18)

Rise of Shadows (0/18)

Rastakhan's Rumble (0/18)

The Boomsday Project (0/18)

The Witchwood (0/18)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/18)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/18)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/18)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (0/17)

One Night in Karazhan (0/6)

Whispers of the Old Gods (0/17)

League of Explorers (1/6)

The Grand Tournament (1/17)

Blackrock Mountain (0/4)

Goblins vs Gnomes (0/15)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/2)

Core (0/32)

Legacy (0/59)

Caverns of Time (0/24)

10. évforduló (0/2)

Curse of Rafaam kártya
Curse of Rafaam (League of Explorers)
Demonfuse kártya
Demonfuse (The Grand Tournament)
Reverberations kártya
Reverberations (Festival of Legends)

Lap tetejére

Összesen: (2/702)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/0)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/24)

Perils in Paradise (0/24)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/24)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/23)

TITANS (0/23)

Festival of Legends (0/24)

March of the Lich King (0/24)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/24)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/24)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/24)

United in Stormwind (0/24)

Forged in the Barrens (0/23)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (0/22)

Scholomance Academy (0/11)

Ashes of Outland (0/18)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/6)

Descent of Dragons (0/19)

Saviors of Uldum (1/18)

Rise of Shadows (0/18)

Rastakhan's Rumble (0/18)

The Boomsday Project (0/18)

The Witchwood (0/18)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/18)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/18)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/18)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (1/17)

One Night in Karazhan (0/6)

Whispers of the Old Gods (0/17)

League of Explorers (0/6)

The Grand Tournament (0/17)

Blackrock Mountain (0/4)

Goblins vs Gnomes (0/15)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/2)

Core (0/32)

Legacy (0/55)

Caverns of Time (0/24)

10. évforduló (0/2)

Into the Fray kártya
Into the Fray (Saviors of Uldum)
Grimestreet Pawnbroker kártya
Grimestreet Pawnbroker (Mean Streets of Gadgetzan)

Lap tetejére

Összesen: (11/2808)

Into the Emerald Dream (0/3)

The Great Dark Beyond (0/66)

Perils in Paradise (0/73)

Whizbang's Workshop (0/73)

Showdown in the Badlands (0/73)

TITANS (0/73)

Festival of Legends (0/73)

March of the Lich King (0/73)

Murder at Castle Nathria (0/73)

Voyage to the Sunken City (0/73)

Fractured in Alterac Valley (0/73)

United in Stormwind (1/73)

Forged in the Barrens (1/73)

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire (0/64)

Scholomance Academy (1/55)

Ashes of Outland (2/55)

Galakrond's Awakening (0/14)

Descent of Dragons (0/85)

Saviors of Uldum (0/85)

Rise of Shadows (0/86)

Rastakhan's Rumble (0/85)

The Boomsday Project (0/86)

The Witchwood (1/85)

Kobolds & Catacombs (0/85)

Knights of the Frozen Throne (0/85)

Journey to Un'Goro (0/85)

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (0/76)

One Night in Karazhan (0/31)

Whispers of the Old Gods (1/94)

League of Explorers (0/31)

The Grand Tournament (0/90)

Blackrock Mountain (0/21)

Goblins vs Gnomes (3/91)

Curse of Naxxramas (0/36)

Core (0/153)

Legacy (1/308)

Caverns of Time (0/43)

10. évforduló (0/7)

Cult Neophyte kártya
Cult Neophyte (Scholomance Academy)
SI:7 Skulker kártya
SI:7 Skulker (United in Stormwind)
Devouring Ectoplasm kártya
Devouring Ectoplasm (Forged in the Barrens)
Emperor Cobra kártya
Emperor Cobra (Legacy)
Lil' Exorcist kártya
Lil' Exorcist (Goblins vs Gnomes)
Mini-Mage kártya
Mini-Mage (Goblins vs Gnomes)
Witch's Cauldron kártya
Witch's Cauldron (The Witchwood)
Kezan Mystic kártya
Kezan Mystic (Goblins vs Gnomes)
Dragonmaw Sky Stalker kártya
Dragonmaw Sky Stalker (Ashes of Outland)
Bonechewer Vanguard kártya
Bonechewer Vanguard (Ashes of Outland)
Grotesque Dragonhawk kártya
Grotesque Dragonhawk (Whispers of the Old Gods)

Lap tetejére

Meglévő lapok/Összes lap

Into the Emerald Dream kiegészítőInto the Emerald Dream: 0/3 darab

The Great Dark Beyond kiegészítőThe Great Dark Beyond: 0/357 darab

Perils in Paradise kiegészítőPerils in Paradise: 0/335 darab

Whizbang's Workshop kiegészítőWhizbang's Workshop: 0/335 darab

Showdown in the Badlands kiegészítőShowdown in the Badlands: 0/335 darab

TITANS kiegészítőTITANS: 1/335 darab

Festival of Legends kiegészítőFestival of Legends: 1/335 darab

March of the Lich King kiegészítőMarch of the Lich King: 0/335 darab

Murder at Castle Nathria kiegészítőMurder at Castle Nathria: 0/311 darab

Voyage to the Sunken City kiegészítőVoyage to the Sunken City: 0/311 darab

Fractured in Alterac Valley kiegészítőFractured in Alterac Valley: 0/311 darab

United in Stormwind kiegészítőUnited in Stormwind: 3/311 darab

Forged in the Barrens kiegészítőForged in the Barrens: 4/311 darab

Darkmoon Faire kiegészítőMadness at the Darkmoon Faire: 1/311 darab

Scholomance Academy kiegészítőScholomance Academy: 1/245 darab

Ashes of Outland kiegészítőAshes of Outland: 4/245 darab

Galakrond's Awakening kaland módGalakrond's Awakening: 0/66 darab

Descent of Dragons kiegészítőDescent of Dragons: 0/252 darab

Saviors of Uldum kiegészítőSaviors of Uldum: 1/247 darab

Rise of Shadows kiegészítőRise of Shadows: 0/248 darab

Rastakhan's Rumble kiegészítőRastakhan's Rumble: 1/247 darab

The Boomsday Project kiegészítőThe Boomsday Project: 1/248 darab

The Witchwood kiegészítőThe Witchwood: 3/247 darab

Kobolds & Catacombs kiegészítőKobolds & Catacombs: 0/247 darab

Knights of the Frozen Throne kiegészítőKnights of the Frozen Throne: 0/247 darab

Journey to Un'Goro kiegészítőJourney to Un'Goro: 0/247 darab

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan kiegészítőMean Streets of Gadgetzan: 2/244 darab

one Night in Karazhan kaland módOne Night in Karazhan: 0/85 darab

Whispers of the Old Gods kiegészítőWhispers of the Old Gods: 1/247 darab

League of Explorers kaland módLeague of Explorers: 1/85 darab

The Grand Tournament kiegészítőThe Grand Tournament: 2/244 darab

Blackrock Mountain kaland módBlackrock Mountain: 0/57 darab

Goblins vs Gnomes kiegészítőGoblins vs Gnomes: 4/226 darab

Curse of Naxxramas kaland módCurse of Naxxramas: 0/54 darab

Core szettCore: 0/541 darab

Legacy szettLegacy: 2/890 darab

Path of Arthas szettPath of Arthas: 0/49 darab

Caverns of Time kiegészítőCaverns of Time: 0/269 darab

10. évforduló10. évforduló: 0/29 darab


Összes kraftolási költség a Hearthstone-ban

dust2 581 320

Dust mennyiség az összes lap betörése estén

dust609 740

A meglévő lapok betörésével ennyi Dust járna

dust2 050

Hiányzik az összes lap kraftolásához

dust2 572 620