KártyákSemlegesShowdown in the Badlands kártyáiBurrow Buster

Burrow Buster Hearthstone kártya - Showdown in the Badlands

Showdown in the Badlands

Kártya szöveg

Rush.Battlecry: Kiásol (Excavate mechanizmus) egy kincset.

Hátlap szöveg

We almost went with the name "Giant Drill", but then it would've HAD to be an 8/8.

Kapcsolódó kártyák

The Azerite Rat, The Azerite Hawk, The Azerite Scorpion, The Azerite Snake, The Azerite Ox, The Azerite Dragon, The Azerite Murloc, Rock, Water Source, Pouch of Coins, Escaping Trogg, Fool's Azerite, Heartblossom, Glowing Glyph, Falling Stalactite, Living Stone, Canary, Azerite Chunk, Deepholm Geode, Motherlode Drake, Ogrefist Boulder, Steelhide Mole, Collapse!, Azerite Gem, World Pillar Fragment, Aman'Thul, Argus, the Emerald Star, Eonar, the Life-Binder, Golganneth, the Thunderer, The Primus, Aggramar, the Avenger, Sargeras, the Destroyer, Norgannon, Amitus, the Peacekeeper, V-07-TR-0N Prime, Khaz'goroth, Yogg-Saron, Unleashed, Shape the Stars, Strike from History, Vision of Heroes, Crystal Carving, Show of Force, Argunite Army, Crystal Elemental, Spontaneous Growth, Bountiful Harvest, Flourish, Timeless Ancient, Lord of Skies, Shargahn's Wrath, Roaring Oceans, Runes of Blood, Runes of Frost, Runes of the Unholy, Servant of the Primus, Maintain Order, Commanding Presence, Swift Slash, Taeshalach, Vry'kul Enforcer, To the Void!, Inferno!, Legion Invasion!, The Twisting Nether, Felblaze Imp, Felblaze Infernal, Progenitor's Power, Ancient Knowledge, Unlimited Potential, Reinforced, Empowered, Pacified, Attach the Cannons!, Full Power!, Maximize Defenses!, Titanforge, Tempering, Heart of Flame, Reign of Chaos, Induce Insanity, Tentacle Swarm, Chaotic Tendril

Burrow Buster Hearthstone kártya

A képre kattintva nagyobb méretben is megtekinthető.

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  1. Áskálódjunk! - 2023.11.17(7)
  2. Új élet vár - 2024.03.02(7)
  3. Rénós Ásatás - 2024.02.04(6)

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A lap megjelenése óta ennyi pakliban szerepel/nem szerepel

A lap megjelenése óta (Showdown in the Badlands - 2023.11.14) az oldalon lévő 193 pakliból 25 pakliban (12.95%) használják ezt a lapot.

Az oldalon lévő 7654 pakliból 26 pakliban (0.34%) használják ezt a lapot.

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