HírekA 29.6-os patch-ben visszatérnek...

A 29.6-os patch-ben visszatérnek a Battlegrounds Buddy-k

Borovi Bence | 2024.06.14 20:00

Patch 29.6 előzetes

Hamarosan érkezik a 29.6-os frissítés, és újra lesznek Buddy-k a Battlegrounds-ban. Érkezik egy csomó új haver, tekintsétek meg őket alább.


Blizzard Entertainment cikkének a fordítása

Új Buddy-k

Cap'n Hoggarr – Shining Sailor [Tier 5, Pirate]

  • 3/6. After you buy a Pirate, gain +1/+1 and add a Pirate to the Tavern.

Shining Sailor Shining Sailor Golden

Inge, the Iron Hymn – Solem Serenader [Tier 3, Undead]

  • 4/3. After you use your Hero Power on a minion, it gains half this minion's Attack. (Swaps to Health next turn!)

Solem Serenader Solem Serenader Golden

Rock Master Voone – Akali, Rock Rhino [Tier 4, Beast]

  • 5/5. At the end of every 2 turns, get a plain copy of the left-most card in your hand.

Akali, Rock Rhino Akali, Rock Rhino Golden

Thorim, Stormlord – Veranus, Stormlord's Mount [Tier 3, Dragon]

  • 6/3. At the end of your turn, transform the minion to the left of this into one from a tier higher (up to Tier 7!)

Veranus, Stormlords Mount Veranus, Stormlords Mount Golden

Snake Eyes – Box Cars [Tier 4, Mech]

  • 6/6. At the start of your turn, roll a 6-sided die. Discover a Tavern spell of that Tier.

Box Cars Box Cars Golden

Doctor Holli'dae - The Nine Frogs [Tier 5, Beast]

  • 9/9. After you buy a minion, get a random Tavern spell of the same Tier. (9 left!)

The Nine Frogs The Nine Frogs Golden

Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher – Reliquary Attendant [Tier 4, Elemental]

  • 7/4. Once per turn, after you cast a Tavern spell, get a new copy of it.

Reliquary Attendant Reliquary Attendant Golden

Nameless One – Faceless One [Tier 4]

  • 1/1. Battlecry: Get the Buddy of your teammate's Hero Power.

Faceless One Faceless One Golden

Cho – Halfus the Mighty [Tier 4]

  • 5/5. At the start of your turn, Discover a minion of your Tier. (50% chance to Pass it!)

Halfus the Mighty Halfus the Mighty Golden

Gall – Halfus the Wise [Tier 4]

  • 5/5. At the start of your turn, Discover a Tavern spell of your Tier. (50% chance to Pass it!)

Halfus the Wise Halfus the Wise Golden

Madam Goya – Mister Chu [Tier 4]

  • 5/6. Once per turn, after you Pass a minion, get a plain copy of it.

Mister Chu Mister Chu Golden

Flobbidinous Floop – Glorious Gloopling [Tier 5]

  • 5/1. At the start of your turn, get a plain copy of your teammate's highest-Tier minion (except Buddies).

Glorious Gloopling Glorious Gloopling Golden

Megváltozott Buddy-k

Overlord Saurfang – Dranosh Saurfang [Tier 4]

  • 2/2. After you buy a minion, gain its stats.

Dranosh Saurfang Dranosh Saurfang Golden

Ragnaros the Firelord – Lucifron [Tier 5]

  • 6/5. Your end of turn effects trigger an extra time.

Lucifron Lucifron Golden

Aranna Starseeker – Sklibb, Demon Hunter [Tier 3]

  • 4/4. After you buy a card, your next Refresh costs (0).

Sklibb, demon hunter Sklibb, demon hunter Golden

Alexstrasza – Vaelastrasz [Tier 3, Dragon]

  • 4/4. Battlecry and Start of Combat: Give your other minions +2/+2.

Vaelastrasz Vaelastrasz Golden

Zephrys – Phyresz [Tier 4, Elemental]

  • 3/3. Battlecry: Discover a plain copy of a different minion that you have exactly one of.
  • Fejlesztői megjegyzés: Leginkább csak a szöveg változik a jobb érthetőség miatt, de kisebb funkcionalitásbeli változás is történt. Phyresz nem számolja saját magát és a Zilliax modulokat, de mostantól számolja a Golden lényeket.

Phyresz Phyresz Golden

A.F. Kay – Snack Vendor [Tier 3]

  • 5/4. At the end of your turn, give your Tier 3 minions +1/+2.

Snack Vendor Snack Vendor Golden

Death Speaker Blackthorn – Death's Head Sage [Tier 5, Undead/Quilboar]

  • 3/6. After you get a Blood Gem, get an extra one.

Deaths Head Sage Deaths Head Sage Golden

Queen Azshara – Imperial Defender [Tier 4, Naga]

  • 2/4. Whenever you cast a Spellcraft spell on a different friendly minion, you also cast it on this.

Imperial Defender Imperial Defender Golden

Sire Denathrius – Shady Aristocrat [Tier 3]

  • 3/3. When you sell this, Discover a Quest. Complete it to get an 8-Gold Coin Pouch.

Shady AristocratShady Aristocrat Golden

Teron Gorefiend – Shadowy Construct [Tier 5, Undead]

  • 5/5. Deathrattle: Give this minion's maximum stats stats to another friendly minion.

Shadowy Construct Shadowy Construct Golden

Queen Wagtoggle – Elder Taggawag [Tier 4]

  • 4/4. Start of Combat: If you control 4 minions with different types, gain your minions' highest Attack and Health.

Elder Taggawag Elder Taggawag Golden

Shudderwock – Muckslinger [Tier 5]

  • 5/5. Battlecry: Get a random Battlecry minion.

Muckslinger Muckslinger Golden

Yogg-Saron, Hope's End – Acolyte of Yogg-Saron [Tier 4, Murloc]

  • 5/4. At the start of every turn, spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron.
  • Egyes Wheel of Yogg-Saronok is frissítve lettek:
    • Mindflayer Goggles: Cast 4 random Tavern spells.
    • Rod of Roasting: Cast ‘Pyrobuff' randomly to give minions +10/+10 until one hits your bartender or hero.
    • Curse of Flesh: Two friendly minions gain the stats of two other random friendly minions.

Acolyte of Yogg-Saron Acolyte of Yogg-Saron Golden

Dancin' Deryl – Asher the Haberdasher [Tier 4]

  • 2/2. After you sell a minion, gain a +1/+1 hat that passes to a friendly minion when sold.

Asher the Haberdasher Asher the Haberdasher Golden

Ysera – Valithria Dreamwalker [Tier 4, Dragon]

  • 6/4. Whenever a Dragon enters your warband or the Tavern, gain +1/+1.

Valithria Dreamwalker Valithria Dreamwalker Golden

Malygos – Nexus Lord [Tier 4]

  • 6/6. ‘Arcane Alteration' replaces with a card from one Tier higher.

Nexus Lord Nexus Lord Golden

Lord Barov – Barov's Apprentice [Tier 4]

  • 5/4. After you play a Coin, gain 1 Gold.
  • Fejlesztői megjegyzés: Frissítve lett, hogy a Tavern Coinokat is tartalmazza.

Barovs Apprentice Barovs Apprentice Golden

Rakanishu – Lantern Tender [Tier 4]

  • 5/3. At the end of your turn, get 2 ‘Lantern Lights' that give a minion stats equal to your Tier.

Lantern Tender Lantern Tender GoldenLantern Light

Tickatus – Ticket Collector [Tier 5]

  • 6/6. When you sell this, Discover a Darkmoon Prize from the next Tier.
  • Fejlesztői megjegyzés: Csak a szöveg változik, a funkcionalitás nem.

Ticket Collector Ticket Collector Golden

Vol'jin - Master Gadrin [Tier 5]

  • 6/5. Minions targeted by “Spirit Swap” also gain each other's Health.

Master Gadrin Master Gadrin Golden

Lich Baz'hial - Unearthed Underling [Tier 3, Undead]

  • 3/3. Whenever your hero takes damage, rewind it and gain stats equal to that amount.

Unearthed Underling Unearthed Underling Golden

Deathwing – Sinestra [Tier 4, Dragon]

  • 2/6. Whenever a friendly minion gains Attack during combat, give it +1 Health permanently.

Sinestra Sinestra Golden

Greybough – Wandering Treant [Tier 4]

  • 2/5. Whenever a friendly Taunt minion is attacked, give your minions +1 Attack permanently.

Wandering Treant Wandering Treant Golden

Elérhető hősök

  • E.T.C. Band Manager visszatért a hősök közé
  • A The Curator ki van tiltva a Demon meccsekből.
    • Fejlesztői megjegyzés: Erre a változtatásra azért van szükség, mert a Cultist S'Thara által megidézett lények mostantól újra fogja idézni Venomous-szel, ha rendelkeztek vele, mielőtt meghaltak, így könnyen kihasználható lenne a The Curatorral.

Hős változások

Alexstrasza – Queen of Dragons

  • [Passive] At the start of your turn, Discover a Dragon. (Unlocks at Tier 4).

Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher – Reliquary Research

  • [Passive] Every fourth Tavern Spell you buy costs (0).

Rakanishu – Tavern Lighting

  • [1 Gold] Get a ‘Lantern Light' that gives a minion stats equal to your Tier.

Elérhető lények

  • A következő lények el lesznek távolítva az elérhető lények közül: Augmented Laborer, Bazaar Dealer, Deadstomper, Faceless Disciple, Gem Smuggler, Goldshell Warden, Heedless Hoarder, Long John Copper, Reef Explorer, Timecap'n Hooktail, Vengeful Slitherer, és a Winged Chimera.
  • A következő lények visszatérnek: Poetic Pen Pal, Imposing Percussionist, és a Silent Swimmer.

Új lények

Barrens Brawler [Tier 3]

  • 2/6. Battlecry: Get a random Deathrattle minion.

Barrens Brawler Barrens Brawler Golden

Barrens Conjurer [Tier 5]

  • 6/2. Deathrattle: Get a random Battlecry minion.

Barrens Conjurer Barrens Conjurer Golden

Arid Atrocity [Tier 6, All]

  • 7/7. Deathrattle: Summon a 7/7 Golem. Give it +7/+7 for each friendly minion type that died this combat.

Arid Atrocity Arid Atrocity Golden

Prime Mate [Tier 4, Beast/Pirate]

  • 2/8. After a friendly Deathrattle minion dies, gain 1 Gold next turn.

Prime Mate Prime Mate Golden

Ghoul-acabra [Tier 6, Undead/Beast]

  • 2/11. Whenever you trigger a Deathrattle, give your minions +2/+2 permanently.

Ghoul-acabra Ghoul-acabra Golden

‘Loc Prince [Tier 4, Murloc]

  • 2/2. Whenever this gains stats, add +2/+2 to that amount (wherever this is).

Loc Prince Loc Prince Golden

Fairy Gillmother [Tier 4, Murloc]

  • 1/5. At the end of your turn, get a random Murloc.

Fairy Gillmother Fairy Gillmother Golden

Crow's Nest Sentry [Tier 3, Pirate]

  • 5/2. Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +3 Health.

Crows Nest Sentry Crows Nest Sentry Golden

Clunker Junker [Tier 4, Mech]

  • 3/4. Battlecry: Choose a friendly Mech. Discover a Mech to Magnetize to it.

Clunker Junker Clunker Junker Golden

Three Lil' Quilboar [Tier 5, Quilboar]

  • 3/3. Deathrattle: Play three Blood Gems on your Quilboar.

Three Lil Quilboar Three Lil Quilboar Golden

Jumping Jack (Csak Duos) [Tier 3, All]

  • 3/4. The first time this is sold, Pass it instead.

Jumping Jack Jumping Jack Golden

Lény változások

King Bagurgle [Tier 5, Murloc]

  • 6/3. Battlecry: Give your other Murlocs +3/+3.

King Bagurgle King Bagurgle Golden

Imposing Percussionist [Tier 4, Demon]

  • 4/4. Battlecry: Discover a Demon. Deal damage to your hero equal to its Tier.

Imposing Percussionist Imposing Percussionist Golden

Forrás: Blizzard

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