HírekHearthstone Patch 6.0.0 - Karazhan

Hearthstone Patch 6.0.0 - Karazhan

Borovi Bence | 2016.08.10 07:00

Karazhan patch

Tegnap este megérkezett a 6.0-ás patch, amivel Karazhan bekerült a játékba! Egyelőre még nem érhető el az új kaland mód, de a Blizzard majd egy gombnyomással aktiválni tudja csütörtökön (az amerikai régióban) és pénteken Európában.


Főbb változások:

  • Bekerült a játékba 3 új hátlap (Karazhan megvásárlásáért járó hátlap (az 1. héten kell megvásárolni, hogy járjon a hátlap), Heroic hátlap és augusztusi szezon hátlap)
  • Nagyon sok új kártyák közötti interakció került be a játékba
  • Az összes új kártya bekerült a játékba. Az új kártyák még a mai nap folyamán bekerülnek az adatbázisunkba, animált változatukkal, magyar leírásokkal együtt!
  • Bizonyos lények által megidézett tokenek manaköltségei megnőttek. Például a (Nerubian) eddig 3 Mana volt, de mostantól már 4, így ha visszakerül a kezedbe (pl. egy Sap-el), akkor drágább lesz kijátszani ezeket a lapokat, illetve jobb lapokat kapsz majd az Evolve-ból, ha ilyen lapokra használod el
  • Két új Tavern Brawl is érkezik
  • A Faceless Manipulator mostantól ha arany lapot másol le, akkor arany lesz a lemásolt lap!

Új hátlapok (Heroic Karazhan > Karazhan megvásárlása az első héten > augusztusi szezon)

HC KARAZHAN KARAZHAN vásárlása augusztusi szezon

Új Tavern Brawl hátterek

Tavern Brawl Tavern Brawl

Kártyák közötti interakciók

Az alábbi kártyák (Tokenek) árai változtak:

(Finkle Einhorn)

  • Mana: 3 (2 volt)


  • Mana: 1 (0 volt)


  • Mana: 4 (3 volt)

(Murloc Scout)

  • Mana: 1 (0 volt)


  • Mana: 1 (0 volt)


  • Mana: 2 (1 volt)


  • Mana: 1 (0 volt)


  • Mana: 2 (1 volt)

(Violet Apprentice)

  • Mana: 1 (0 volt)

Új zenék

Karazhan kártya hátlap szövegek (ezeket sosem fordítjuk magyarra, mert általában a legtöbb csak így értelmes igazán)

Amint bekerülnek a kártyák az adatbázisunkba a mai nap folyamán, ezek linkekké fognak válni.

  • Barnes - He used to play every part, until Moroes confiscated his Orb of Deception.
  • Medivh, the Guardian - If you think the party's great now, just wait 'til he invites the orcs over!
  • Moroes - Moroes runs an army of stewards, but still ends up inflating the balloons himself.
  • Prince Malchezaar - He was super excited to acquire Gorehowl at a garage sale! Then super disappointed to find out it was a foam reproduction.
  • The Curator - The Curator guards Azeroth's deadliest creatures, but it's secretly terrified of squirrels.
  • Arcane Giant - Claims to be drawn to Karazhan because of the ley lines. Actually, just loves Moroes' cooking.
  • Avian Watcher - He mostly watches light romantic comedies.
  • Book Wyrm - His favorites are classic tragedies like "The Hobbit" and "Grendel".
  • Moat Lurker - He really enjoys lurking and gets a lot of job satisfaction out of it.
  • Protect the King! - Form ranks! Everyone into the King's Tuskarr Defense!
  • Moonglade Portal - Ain't no party like a Moonglade party ‘cause a Moonglade party got bears.
  • Ivory Knight - Do NOT call it a "horse".
  • Cat Trick - "I know some new tricks, a lot of good tricks. I will show them to you. Medivh will not mind at all if I do."
  • Ethereal Peddler - Yeah, sure. That Ragnaros "fell off the back of a truck".
  • Onyx Bishop - B4 is a nice place to visit, but he wouldn't want to live there.
  • Maelstrom Portal - They bill this as a popular resort attraction, but they try and get your money up front.
  • Babbling Book - His idol is the Green Hills of Stranglethorn, and he won't shut up about it.
  • Silverware Golem - From the secret research labs of the Swiss Army.
  • Fool's Bane - A fool and his bane are soon parted.
  • Spirit Claws - They'll be MUCH easier to use once they add the spiritthumb.
  • Firelands Portal - Come to beautiful Firelands! Where it's "Way nicer than the Abyssal Maw!"
  • Ironforge Portal - Come to beautiful Ironforge! Where irons are forged and the forges are iron!
  • Kara Kazham! - This is what happens when you tell Khadgar to set the table.
  • Purify - Even better than a hot shower with vigorous scrubbing!
  • Silvermoon Portal - What's Millhouse Manastorm doing in Silvermoon?
  • Arcane Anomaly - He used to get work as a Spacial Anomaly, but he got tired of having his polarity reversed.
  • Arcanosmith - He's really just a Blacksmith, but he thought the fancy title would bring in more business.
  • Cloaked Huntress - She's practically GIVING your secrets away!
  • Deadly Fork - For a proper setting, place the deadly fork after the salad fork, but before the dinner fork.
  • Enchanted Raven - Once upon a midnight restive, Medivh pondered, feeling festive!
  • Kindly Grandmother - "Goodness! What… abundant drool you have."
  • Malchezaar's Imp - Malchezaar used to have an imp named Dobby working for him, but there was a tragic accident.
  • Medivh's Valet - "Magus Medivh sir, I've brought the flaming balloons, as you requested."
  • Menagerie Magician - Just between us, if things get tight the Menagerie Magician position will probably be the first to go.
  • Menagerie Warden - Please? Can I keep him? I promise to clean his cage every day.
  • Netherspite Historian - She can tell you all about the history of people not STANDING IN THE GREEN BEAM!
  • Nightbane Templar - Originally joined to be Arcanagos' Templar, but has to admit that ordering pizza has become waaaay easier.
  • Pantry Spider - You have to admit, they make a cute couple.
  • Pompous Thespian - Alas poor Annoy-o-Tron! A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy!
  • Priest of the Feast - Now that's a world champion cheesecake!
  • Runic Egg - Oh man! Runic omelettes are the best!
  • Swashburglar - Was almost named "Swashb-AAAARRHHH-gler"
  • Violet Illusionist - She's much more cheerful after losing the ‘n' in her name.
  • Wicked Witchdoctor - You can easily defeat her by either dealing 4 damage, or dropping a house on her.
  • Zoobot - The Murloc is taking the picture.

Karazhan ellenségek előtti betöltési szövegek

  • Polishing Silverware
  • Inflating Balloons
  • Pouring Champagne
  • Filling Chocolate Fountain
  • Placing Chess Pieces
  • Flexing in the Magic Mirror
  • Enchanting Brooms
  • Taking Selfies with Romulo
  • Lowering Disco Ball
  • Heating Hot Tub
  • Rescuing Lost Guests
  • Sealing Secret Passageways
  • Closing Imp Portals
  • Uncrossing Beams
  • Choreographing Medivas
  • Testing Sound System
  • Uninviting Malchezaar
  • Polishing Dance Shoes

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