Kolento paklijai a BlizzCon selejtezőről
Kolento az egyik játékos, aki továbjutott a Hearthstone világbajnokságra, amit idén novemberben a BlizzCon-on rendeznek meg. A tovább után megtekinthetitek, hogy milyen paklikkal játszott a legutóbbi selejtezőn Stockholm-ban.
- Pakli fórum link: Kolento Warlock pakli (Handlock)
Warlock (10) | Semleges (20) |
Soulfire x2 | Ancient Watcher x2 |
Mortal Coil x2 | Ironbeak Owl x2 |
Hellfire x1 | Sunfury Protector x2 |
Shadowflame x2 | Earthen Ring Farseer x2 |
Siphon Soul x2 | Defender of Argus x2 |
Lord Jaraxxus x1 | Twilight Drake x2 |
Faceless Manipulator x1 | |
Loatheb x1 | |
Sludge Belcher x2 | |
Mountain Giant x2 | |
Molten Giant x2 |
- Pakli fórum link: Kolento Shaman pakli
Shaman (15) | Semleges (15) |
Earth Shock x2 | Undertaker x2 |
Rockbiter Weapon x2 | Haunted Creeper x2 |
Ancestral Spirit x1 | Nerubian Egg x2 |
Flametongue Totem x2 | Harvest Golem x2 |
Feral Spirit x1 | Defender of Argus x2 |
Hex x2 | Gnomish Inventor x1 |
Lightning Storm x1 | Azure Drake x1 |
Mana Tide Totem x1 | Sludge Belcher x2 |
Fire Elemental x2 | Cairne Bloodhoof x1 |
Al'Akir the Windlord x1 |
- Pakli fórum link: Kolento Druid pakli
Druid (19) | Semleges (11) |
Innervate x2 | Haunted Creeper x2 |
Wild Growth x2 | Shade of Naxxramas x2 |
Wrath x2 | Chillwind Yeti x2 |
Savage Roar x2 | Azure Drake x1 |
Keeper of the Grove x2 | Spectral Knight x2 |
Swipe x2 | Cairne Bloodhoof x1 |
Druid of the Claw x2 | The Black Knight x1 |
Force of Nature x2 | |
Ancient of Lore x2 | |
Cenarius x1 |
Kolento-t követhetitek Twitch-en és Twitter-en is!
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